北美新抗原市场预测至 2028 年 - COVID-19 影响和按治疗(联合疗法和单一疗法)和治疗专业(胃肠癌、肺癌、实体瘤、泌尿系统癌症、黑色素瘤、头颈癌等)进行的区域分析)

TIPRE00025573 | Pages: 68 | Pharmaceuticals | Nov 2021 | Type: Regional | Status: Published


北美由三个国家组成,即美国、加拿大、墨西哥。美国是新抗原的最大市场,其次是加拿大和墨西哥。越来越多的临床试验、治疗癌症的免疫疗法的不断进步以及各国政府不断增加的支持正在推动市场的增长。此外,北美地区所有国家的癌症发病率显着上升可能会在预测期内为市场提供增长机会。据估计,美国是北美地区新抗原的最大市场。临床试验数量的增加、新抗原研发投资的增加以及公司之间合作的加强正在推动该国市场的增长。此外,癌症发病率的显着增加也同样促进了市场的增长。癌症发病率的不断上升已成为医疗保健系统的负担。因此,公共和私人参与者发起了多项计划来应对日益增加的癌症发病率。为了实施预防和控制措施,政府和私人机构正在支持新抗原的临床试验。例如,根据 FDA 2020 年 11 月发布的消息,FDA 的肿瘤学工作人员得到 OCE 科学合作组织的支持,参与监管科学研究,例如内部研究项目以及与外部专家的合作。 OCE 已将 FDA 广泛机构公告确定为支持九个科学兴趣领域的研究资助方法,包括细胞/基因和基于新抗原的个性化癌症疗法。因此,OCE旨在促进新抗原识别算法的开发、优化和标准化等监管工作。此外,它的目标是创建评估新抗原的安全性和有效性的方法。此外,它还旨在实施基于新抗原的疗法的创新临床试验。此外,该国正在发表各种最新的临床试验。例如,在2020年美国癌症研究协会年会上,发布了由罗氏旗下基因泰克和BioNTech开发的联合疗法iNeST的相关更新。 iNeST 与 ICI 相结合,对患有实体转移瘤的患者进行治疗。抗原的此类发展预计将在不久的将来推动市场的增长。


北方的多个市场都感受到了 COVID-19 大流行的影响美国。尽管医疗保健行业在过去几年中经历了 SARS、H1N1 和其他疫情,但 COVID-19 的严重性因其传播方式而使情况变得更加复杂。自 COVID-19 爆发以来,北美地区的病例数量不断增加。例如,根据世界卫生组织的数据,从2020年1月3日到2021年5月5日,已有32,123,136例确诊的COVID-19病例,其中572,190人死亡。墨西哥和加拿大的病例也在增加。在墨西哥,确诊病例已达2,355,985例,死亡人数为218,007人。同样,在加拿大,迄今为止约有 1,257,328 例 COVID-19 病例,死亡人数为 24,450 人。在美国,如果不认为情况紧急、紧急或危及生命,许多医生、医院和其他医疗机构都会推迟或取消癌症治疗、手术,有时还会推迟或取消筛查或其他治疗。由于免疫系统较弱,癌症患者需要遵守社交距离规范,因为他们更容易感染导致 COVID-19 的病毒。与任何其他疾病疫苗相比,目前正在对 COVID-19 疫苗进行更多研究。例如,一项关于“癌症治疗工具为 COVID-19 疫苗提供信息”的研究于 2020 年 4 月在美国纽约州西奈山伊坎医学院发表。在这项研究中,设计了一种计算工具来预测癌症疫苗的候选新抗原,这有助于形成针对 SARS-CoV-2 的 T 细胞疫苗。制药公司正在停止正在进行的研究并推迟新试验的启动。因此,基于以上几点,此次疫情很可能会影响癌症疫苗市场。


北美新抗原市场预计将从2023年的127,564.64万美元增长到2028年的501,233.14万美元;预计 2023 年至 2028 年复合年增长率为 31.5%。癌症已成为全世界死亡的主要原因。根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的数据,2019年,癌症是183个国家70岁以下人群的第一大死因,也是全球123个国家的第四大死因。此外,根据世界卫生组织 2021 年 3 月称,2020 年约有 1000 万人因不同癌症类型死亡。癌症患病率的不断上升给世界各地的医疗保健系统带来了负担。据国际癌症研究机构 (IARC) 称,到 2040 年,全球新增癌症病例负担预计将达到约 2750 万例,到该年,该疾病可能导致约 1.63 亿人死亡。生活方式的改变、吸烟、体力活动减少以及不确定的健康和气候条件等因素可能会在未来几年导致世界范围内更大的癌症负担。因此,控制和预防全球范围内不断增加的癌症数量至关重要,这促进了新抗原市场的增长。


根据治疗,市场分为联合疗法和单一疗法。到 2023 年,联合治疗领域预计将占据最大的市场份额。根据 治疗专业,市场细分为 胃肠癌、肺癌、实体瘤、泌尿系统癌症、黑色素瘤、头颈癌, 和别的。预计到 2023 年,胃肠道癌症领域将占据最大的市场份额。


准备本北美新抗原市场报告时参考的一些主要一手和二手来源包括公司网站、年度报告、财务报告、国家政府文件和统计数据库等。报告中列出的主要公司包括 Advaxis, Inc.、Gradalis, Inc.、Gritstone Oncology、Medigene AG、Moderna, Inc. 和 Ziopharm Oncology, Inc 等


  • 了解北美新抗原市场格局并确定最有可能保证丰厚回报的细分市场
  • 了解北美新抗原市场不断变化的竞争格局,保持领先地位
  • 有效规划并购通过确定最有希望销售的细分市场,在北美新抗原市场进行合作和合作
  • 通过对北美新抗原市场各个细分市场的市场表现进行敏锐和全面的分析,帮助做出明智的业务决策
  • >
  • 获取北美地区2021-2028年各细分市场的市场收入预测








  • 联合疗法
  • 单一疗法



  • 胃肠癌
  • 肺癌
  • 实体瘤
  • 泌尿系统癌症
  • 黑色素瘤
  • 头颈癌
  • 其他


  • 美国
  • 加拿大
  • 墨西哥


  • Advaxis, Inc.
  • Gradalis, Inc.
  • Gritstone Oncology
  • Medigene AG
  • Moderna, Inc.
  • Ziopharm肿瘤学公司

1.           Introduction

1.1          Scope of the Study

1.2          The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance

1.3          Market Segmentation

1.3.1          North America Neoantigens Market – By Treatment

1.3.2          North America Neoantigens Market – By Therapeutic Specialty

1.3.3          North America Neoantigens Market– By Country

2.           North America Neoantigens Market – Key Takeaways

3.           Research Methodology

3.1          Coverage

3.2          Secondary Research

3.3          Primary Research

4.           North America Neoantigens Market– Market Landscape

4.1          Overview

4.2          PEST Analysis

4.2.1          North America PEST Analysis

4.3          Expert Opinion

5.           North America Neoantigens Market – Key Market Dynamics

5.1          Market Drivers

5.1.1          Developments in Neoantigen Vaccines Against Cancer

5.1.2          Increasing Prevalence of Cancer

5.2          Market Restraints

5.2.1          Possible Side Effects Associated with Neoantigen Vaccines

5.3          Market Opportunities

5.3.1          Application of Next-generation Sequencing for Neoantigen Identification

5.4          Future Trends

5.4.1          Use of AI in Neoantigen Vaccine Development

5.5          Impact Analysis

6.           Neoantigens Market – North America Analysis

6.1          North America Neoantigens Market Revenue Forecast and Analysis

7.           North America Neoantigens Market Analysis – By Treatment

7.1          Overview

7.2          North America Neoantigens Market Revenue Share, by Treatment (2023 and 2028)

7.3          Combination Therapy

7.3.1          Overview

7.3.2          Combination Therapy: North America Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

7.4          Mono Therapy

7.4.1          Overview

7.4.2          Mono Therapy: North America Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

8.           North America Neoantigens Market Analysis – By Therapeutic Specialty

8.1          Overview

8.2          North America Neoantigens Market Revenue Share, by Therapeutic Specialty (2023 and 2028)

8.3          Gastrointestinal Cancer

8.3.1          Overview

8.3.2          Gastrointestinal Cancer: North America Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

8.4          Lung Cancer

8.4.1          Overview

8.4.2          Lung Cancer: North America Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

8.5          Solid Tumors

8.5.1          Overview

8.5.2          Solid Tumors: North America Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

8.6          Urinary System Cancers

8.6.1          Overview

8.6.2          Urinary System Cancers: North America Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

8.7          Melanoma

8.7.1          Overview

8.7.2          Melanoma: North America Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

8.8          Head and Neck Cancers

8.8.1          Overview

8.8.2          Head and Neck Cancers: North America Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

8.9          Others

8.9.1          Overview

8.9.2          Others: North America Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

9.           North America Neoantigens Market – Country Analysis

9.1          North America: Neoantigens Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028

9.1.1          Overview

9.1.2          North America: Neoantigens Market, by Country, 2023 & 2028 (%)

9.1.3          US: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)             US: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)             US: Neoantigens Market, by Treatment, 2023–2028 (USD Thousand)             US: Neoantigens Market, by Therapeutic Specialty, 2023–2028 (USD Thousand)

9.1.4          Canada: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)             Canada: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)             Canada: Neoantigens Market, by Treatment, 2023–2028 (USD Thousand)             Canada: Neoantigens Market, by Therapeutic Specialty, 2023–2028 (USD Thousand)

9.1.5          Mexico: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)             Mexico: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)             Mexico: Neoantigens Market, by Treatment, 2023–2028 (USD Thousand)             Mexico: Neoantigens Market, by Therapeutic Specialty, 2023–2028 (USD Thousand)

10.        Impact Of COVID-19 Pandemic on North America Neoantigens Market

10.1        North America: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic

11.        North America Neoantigens Market–Industry Landscape

12.        Company Profiles

12.1        Advaxis, Inc.

12.1.1        Key Facts

12.1.2        Business Description

12.1.3        Products and Services

12.1.4        Financial Overview

12.1.5        SWOT Analysis

12.1.6        Key Developments

12.2        Gradalis, Inc.

12.2.1        Key Facts

12.2.2        Business Description

12.2.3        Products and Services

12.2.4        Financial Overview

12.2.5        SWOT Analysis

12.2.6        Key Developments

12.3        Gritstone Oncology

12.3.1        Key Facts

12.3.2        Business Description

12.3.3        Products and Services

12.3.4        Financial Overview

12.3.5        SWOT Analysis

12.3.6        Key Developments

12.4        Medigene AG

12.4.1        Key Facts

12.4.2        Business Description

12.4.3        Products and Services

12.4.4        Financial Overview

12.4.5        SWOT Analysis

12.4.6        Key Developments

12.5        Ziopharm Oncology, Inc.

12.5.1        Key Facts

12.5.2        Business Description

12.5.3        Products and Services

12.5.4        Financial Overview

12.5.5        SWOT Analysis

12.5.6        Key Developments

12.6        Moderna, Inc.

12.6.1        Key Facts

12.6.2        Business Description

12.6.3        Products and Services

12.6.4        Financial Overview

12.6.5        SWOT Analysis

12.6.6        Key Developments

13.        Appendix

13.1        About the Insight Partners

13.2        Glossary of Terms


Table 1.              New Cancer Cases Registered Worldwide, 2020

Table 2.              North America Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

Table 3.              US: Neoantigens Market, by Treatment – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

Table 4.              US: Neoantigens Market, by Therapeutic Specialty – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

Table 5.              Canada: Neoantigens Market, by Treatment – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

Table 6.              Canada: Neoantigens Market, by Therapeutic Specialty – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

Table 7.              Mexico: Neoantigens Market, by Treatment – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

Table 8.              Mexico: Neoantigens Market, by Therapeutic Specialty – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

Table 9.              Market Developments Done By Companies

Table 10.            Glossary of Terms, Neoantigens Market


Figure 1.            North America Neoantigens Market Segmentation

Figure 2.            North America Neoantigens Segmentation, By Country

Figure 3.            North America Neoantigens Market Overview

Figure 4.            Combination Therapy Segment Holds Largest Share of North America Neoantigens Market

Figure 5.            US to Show Remarkable Growth During Forecast Period

Figure 6.            North America: PEST Analysis

Figure 7.            Expert Opinion

Figure 8.            North America Neoantigens Market Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints

Figure 9.            North America Neoantigens Market – Revenue Forecast and Analysis – 2023- 2028

Figure 10.          North America Neoantigens Market Revenue Share, by Treatment (2023 and 2028)

Figure 11.          Combination Therapy: North America Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

Figure 12.          Mono Therapy: North America Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

Figure 13.          North America Neoantigens Market Revenue Share, by Therapeutic Specialty (2023 and 2028)

Figure 14.          Gastrointestinal Cancer: North America Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

Figure 15.          Lung Cancer: North America Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

Figure 16.          Solid Tumors: North America Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

Figure 17.          Urinary System Cancers: North America Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

Figure 18.          Melanoma: North America Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

Figure 19.          Head and Neck Cancers: North America Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

Figure 20.          Others: North America Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

Figure 21.          North America: Neoantigens Market, by Key Country – Revenue (2023) (USD Thousand)

Figure 22.          North America: Neoantigens Market, by Country, 2023 & 2028 (%)

Figure 23.          US: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

Figure 24.          Canada: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

Figure 25.          Mexico: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

Figure 26.          Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in North American Country Markets

  1. Advaxis, Inc.
  2. Gradalis, Inc.
  3. Gritstone Oncology
  4. Medigene AG
  5. Moderna, Inc.
  6. Ziopharm Oncology, Inc
  • To understand the North America neoantigens market landscape and identify market segments that are most likely to guarantee a strong return
  • Stay ahead of the race by comprehending the ever-changing competitive landscape for North America neoantigens market
  • Efficiently plan M&A and partnership deals in North America neoantigens market by identifying market segments with the most promising probable sales
  • Helps to take knowledgeable business decisions from perceptive and comprehensive analysis of market performance of various segment form North America neoantigens Market
  • Obtain market revenue forecast for market by various segments from 2021-2028 in North America region.
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