欧洲新抗原市场预测至 2028 年 - COVID-19 影响和按治疗(联合疗法和单一疗法)和治疗专业(胃肠癌、肺癌、实体瘤、泌尿系统癌症、黑色素瘤、头颈癌等)进行的区域分析

TIPRE00025574 | Pages: 76 | Pharmaceuticals | Nov 2021 | Type: Regional | Status: Published


欧洲新抗原市场分为德国、英国、法国、意大利和西班牙。该地区在全球新抗原市场中占有重要的市场份额。市场的增长归因于研究和技术的不断增加。各国生物信息学领域的发展。此外,癌症发病率的上升可能会增加对靶向新抗原的需求。德国在医疗保健行业方面遥遥领先。它拥有来自世界各地的市场领导者。此外,全国各地都有知名企业为整个医疗保健行业做出贡献。由于吸烟、不健康饮食或感染等危险因素,德国癌症病例数量有所增加。根据 Globocan 2020,2020 年癌症病例总数为 628,519 例,其中男性 344,451 例,女性 284,068 例。德国排名前五位的癌症类型是乳腺癌、肺癌、前列腺癌、结肠癌、膀胱癌和其他癌症。此外,癌症患病率的增加导致德国癌症研究数量的增加,这可能有利于市场增长。例如,2019年11月,NEC公司和VAXIMM AG(一家致力于为癌症患者开发疫苗的瑞士-德国私营生物技术公司)合作开发新型个性化新抗原癌症疫苗。同样,2017 年,欧洲一个团队进行的一项原理验证研究表明,新抗原疫苗可以引导针对复发性黑色素瘤患者的癌细胞的免疫反应。在欧洲的研究中,德国和奥地利的研究人员创造了一种含有 10 种编码新抗原肽的 RNA 分子混合物的疫苗,该疫苗增强了研究中 13 名患者中 9 名的抗肿瘤免疫活性。因此,新抗原供应的增加可能会影响预测期内市场的增长。


在欧洲,COVID-19 病例呈指数级增长。西班牙、意大利、德国、法国和英国是受影响最严重的欧洲国家。根据 Worldometer,截至 2020 年 5 月 6 日,西班牙、英国、意大利、德国和法国的记录为 3,551,262; 4,425,940; 4,070,400; 3,469,448;和 5,706,378 例 COVID-19 病例,这些国家的死亡人数也很高。据新闻报道,由于新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 紧急情况,意大利数以千计的癌症患者难以获得化疗、扫描、移植和手术。根据支持胰腺癌患者的慈善机构 Codice Viola 领导的研究发现,超过 500 名乳腺癌或胰腺癌患者患有胰腺癌。化疗或放疗的预约被推迟。此外,64% 的外科手术被推迟,超过一半的后续预约被重新安排。此外,在欧洲,许多癌症疫苗开发公司已被指示开发 COVID-19 疫苗。例如,2020 年 4 月,NEC 宣布,在其新抗原癌症疫苗项目之后,计划与位于挪威奥斯陆的生物技术子公司 NOI 密切合作,利用人工智能开发 COVID-19 疫苗。此外,临床试验的患者入组人数也显着下降。这些因素可能会对市场增长产生负面影响。


新抗原欧洲市场预计将从2023年的86,165.00万美元增长到2028年的341,855.35万美元;预计 2023 年至 2028 年复合年增长率为 31.7%。人工智能在新抗原疫苗开发中的应用;私人组织和公司以及政府协会通过将信息技术与生命科学相结合,平等地参与免疫治疗方法的开发。医疗保健 IT 和新抗原市场参与者正在将人工智能 (AI) 技术与新抗原相结合,以识别患者特异性的免疫原性癌症突变。 2020 年 5 月,IT 和网络技术公司 NEC Corporation 和从事癌症治疗病毒免疫疗法开发的 Transgene 公司宣布在即将召开的美国癌症研究协会 (AACR) 年会上发布他们的研究结果2020年(AACR虚拟年会II)于2020年6月举行。两家公司期待于2020年6月宣布与预测算法相关的数据,该算法可用于根据患者的免疫原性癌症突变准确为患者定制个性化治疗疫苗TG4050 AACR 虚拟年会 II。 TG4050的定制将更加具体,并且可能有大量候选突变。 TG4050是利用NEC的Transgene和新抗原预测系统的myvac技术设计的。该预测系统是一项先进的人工智能技术,已在肿瘤学领域得到应用。 TG4050是为治疗实体瘤而开发的,目前正在美国和欧洲进行一期临床试验。因此,人工智能与新抗原疫苗研究的结合正在成为新抗原市场的一个关键趋势。这正在促进新抗原市场的增长。


基于治疗方面,市场分为联合疗法和单一疗法。到 2023 年,联合治疗领域预计将占据最大的市场份额。根据 治疗专业,市场细分为 胃肠癌、肺癌、实体瘤、泌尿系统癌症、黑色素瘤、头颈癌, 和别的。预计到 2023 年,胃肠道癌症领域将占据最大的市场份额。


准备本欧洲新抗原市场报告时参考的一些主要一手和二手来源包括公司网站、年度报告、财务报告、国家政府文件和统计数据库等。报告中列出的主要公司包括 Achilles Therapeutics plc、Frame Cancer Therapeutics、Genocea、Immunicum AB、Medigene AG 和 Moderna, Inc 等


  • 了解欧洲新抗原市场格局并确定最重要的细分市场可能保证丰厚的回报
  • 通过了解欧洲新抗原市场不断变化的竞争格局,保持领先地位
  • 有效规划欧洲新抗原市场的并购和合作伙伴交易确定最有希望销售的细分市场
  • 通过对欧洲新抗原市场各个细分市场的市场表现进行敏锐和全面的分析,帮助做出明智的业务决策
  • 获得市场的市场收入预测2021-2028 年欧洲地区各个细分市场







  • 联合疗法
  • 单一疗法



  • 胃肠道癌症
  • 肺癌
  • 实体瘤
  • 泌尿系统癌症
  • 黑色素瘤
  • 头颈癌
  • 其他
  • span>


  • 德国
  • 英国
  • 法国
  • 意大利
  • 西班牙
  • 欧洲其他地区


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    • Achilles Therapeutics plc
    • Frame Cancer Therapeutics
    • Genocea
    • Immunicum AB
    • Medigene AG
    • Moderna, Inc
  • 1.           Introduction

    1.1         Scope of the Study

    1.2         The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance

    1.3         Market Segmentation

    1.3.1        Europe Neoantigens Market – By Treatment

    1.3.2        Europe Neoantigens Market – By Therapeutic Specialty

    1.3.3        Europe Neoantigens Market– By Country

    2.           Europe Neoantigens Market – Key Takeaways

    3.           Research Methodology

    3.1         Coverage

    3.2         Secondary Research

    3.3         Primary Research

    4.           Europe Neoantigens Market– Market Landscape

    4.1         Overview

    4.2         PEST Analysis

    4.2.1        Europe PEST Analysis

    4.3         Expert Opinion

    5.           Neoantigens Market – Key Market Dynamics

    5.1         Market Drivers

    5.1.1        Evolution in Neoantigen Vaccines Against Cancer

    5.1.2        Rising Prevalence of Cancer

    5.2         Market Restraints

    5.2.1        Possible Side Effects Associated with Neoantigen Vaccines

    5.3         Market Opportunities

    5.3.1        Application of Next-generation Sequencing for Neoantigen Identification

    5.4         Future Trends

    5.4.1        Use of AI in Neoantigen Vaccine Development

    5.5         Impact Analysis

    6.           Neoantigens Market – Europe Analysis

    6.1         Europe Neoantigens Market Revenue Forecast and Analysis

    7.           Europe Neoantigens Market Analysis – By Treatment

    7.1         Overview

    7.2         Europe Neoantigens Market Revenue Share, by Treatment (2023 and 2028)

    7.3         Combination Therapy

    7.3.1        Overview

    7.3.2        Combination Therapy: Europe Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

    7.4         Mono Therapy

    7.4.1        Overview

    7.4.2        Mono Therapy: Europe Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

    8.           Europe Neoantigens Market Analysis – By Therapeutic Specialty

    8.1         Overview

    8.2         Europe Neoantigens Market Revenue Share, by Therapeutic Specialty (2023 and 2028)

    8.3         Gastrointestinal Cancer

    8.3.1        Overview

    8.3.2        Gastrointestinal Cancer: Europe Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

    8.4         Lung Cancer

    8.4.1        Overview

    8.4.2        Lung Cancer: Europe Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

    8.5         Solid Tumors

    8.5.1        Overview

    8.5.2        Solid Tumors: Europe Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

    8.6         Urinary System Cancers

    8.6.1        Overview

    8.6.2        Urinary System Cancers: Europe Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

    8.7         Melanoma

    8.7.1        Overview

    8.7.2        Melanoma: Europe Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

    8.8         Head and Neck Cancers

    8.8.1        Overview

    8.8.2        Head and Neck Cancers: Europe Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

    8.9         Others

    8.9.1        Overview

    8.9.2        Others: Europe Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

    9.           Europe Neoantigens Market – Country Analysis

    9.1         Europe: Neoantigens Market

    9.1.1        Overview

    9.1.2        Europe: Neoantigens Market, by Country, 2023 & 2028(%)

    9.1.3        Germany: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)          Germany: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)          Germany: Neoantigens Market, by Treatment – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)          Germany: Neoantigens Market, Therapeutic Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    9.1.4        France: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)          France: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)          France: Neoantigens Market, by Treatment – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)          France: Neoantigens Market, Therapeutic Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    9.1.5        UK: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)          UK: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)          UK: Neoantigens Market, by Treatment – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)          UK: Neoantigens Market, Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    9.1.6        Italy: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)          Italy: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)          Italy: Neoantigens Market, by Treatment – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)          Italy: Neoantigens Market, Therapeutic Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    9.1.7        Spain: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)          Spain: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)          Spain: Neoantigens Market, by Treatment – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)          Spain: Neoantigens Market, Therapeutic Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    9.1.8        Rest of Europe: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)          Rest of Europe: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)          Rest of Europe: Neoantigens Market, by Treatment – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)          Rest of Europe: Neoantigens Market, by Therapeutic Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    10.        Impact Of COVID-19 Pandemic on Europe Neoantigens Market

    10.1      Europe: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic

    11.        Neoantigens Market–Industry Landscape

    12.        Company Profiles

    12.1      Achilles Therapeutics plc

    12.1.1     Key Facts

    12.1.2     Business Description

    12.1.3     Products and Services

    12.1.4     Financial Overview

    12.1.5     SWOT Analysis

    12.1.6     Key Developments

    12.2      Frame Cancer Therapeutics

    12.2.1     Key Facts

    12.2.2     Business Description

    12.2.3     Products and Services

    12.2.4     Financial Overview

    12.2.5     SWOT Analysis

    12.2.6     Key Developments

    12.3      Genocea

    12.3.1     Key Facts

    12.3.2     Business Description

    12.3.3     Products and Services

    12.3.4     Financial Overview

    12.3.5     SWOT Analysis

    12.3.6     Key Developments

    12.4      Immunicum AB

    12.4.1     Key Facts

    12.4.2     Business Description

    12.4.3     Products and Services

    12.4.4     Financial Overview

    12.4.5     SWOT Analysis

    12.4.6     Key Developments

    12.5      Medigene AG

    12.5.1     Key Facts

    12.5.2     Business Description

    12.5.3     Products and Services

    12.5.4     Financial Overview

    12.5.5     SWOT Analysis

    12.5.6     Key Developments

    12.6      Moderna, Inc.

    12.6.1     Key Facts

    12.6.2     Business Description

    12.6.3     Products and Services

    12.6.4     Financial Overview

    12.6.5     SWOT Analysis

    12.6.6     Key Developments

    13.        Appendix

    13.1      About the Insight Partners

    13.2      Glossary of Terms


    Table 1.             New Cancer Cases Registered Worldwide, 2020

    Table 2.             Europe Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

    Table 3.             Incidence, Mortality and Prevalence by cancer site, 2020, Germany

    Table 4.             Germany: Neoantigens Market, by Treatment – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    Table 5.             Germany: Neoantigens Market, Therapeutic Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    Table 6.             Incidence, Mortality and Prevalence by cancer site, 2020, France

    Table 7.             France: Neoantigens Market, by Treatment – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    Table 8.             France: Neoantigens Market, Therapeutic Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    Table 9.             UK: Neoantigens Market, by Treatment – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    Table 10.          UK: Neoantigens Market, Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    Table 11.          Incidence, Mortality and Prevalence by cancer site, 2020, Italy

    Table 12.          Italy: Neoantigens Market, by Treatment – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    Table 13.          Italy: Neoantigens Market, Therapeutic Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    Table 14.          Incidence, Mortality and Prevalence by cancer site, 2020, Spain

    Table 15.          Spain: Neoantigens Market, by Treatment – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    Table 16.          Spain: Neoantigens Market, Therapeutic Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    Table 17.          Rest of Europe: Neoantigens Market, by Treatment – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    Table 18.          Rest of Europe: Neoantigens Market, by Therapeutic Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028  (USD Thousand)

    Table 19.          Market Developments Done By Companies

    Table 20.          Glossary of Terms, Neoantigens Market


    Figure 1.           Europe Neoantigens Market Segmentation

    Figure 2.           Europe Neoantigens Segmentation, By Country

    Figure 3.           Europe Neoantigens Market Overview

    Figure 4.           Combination Therapy Segment Holds Largest Share of Europe Neoantigens Market

    Figure 5.           Germany to Show Remarkable Growth During Forecast Period

    Figure 6.           Europe: PEST Analysis

    Figure 7.           Expert Opinion

    Figure 8.           Europe Neoantigens Market Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints

    Figure 9.           Europe Neoantigens Market – Revenue Forecast and Analysis – 2023- 2028

    Figure 10.        Europe Neoantigens Market Revenue Share, by Treatment (2023 and 2028)

    Figure 11.        Combination Therapy: Europe Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

    Figure 12.        Mono Therapy: Europe Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

    Figure 13.        Europe Neoantigens Market Revenue Share, by Therapeutic Specialty (2023 and 2028)

    Figure 14.        Gastrointestinal Cancer: Europe Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

    Figure 15.        Lung Cancer: Europe Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

    Figure 16.        Solid Tumors: Europe Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

    Figure 17.        Urinary System Cancers: Europe Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

    Figure 18.        Melanoma: Europe Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

    Figure 19.        Head and Neck Cancers: Europe Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

    Figure 20.        Others: Europe Neoantigens Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousand)

    Figure 21.        Europe: Neoantigens Market, by Key Country – Revenue (2023) (USD Thousand)

    Figure 22.        Europe: Neoantigens Market, by Country, 2023 & 2028 (%)

    Figure 23.        Germany: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    Figure 24.        France: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    Figure 25.        UK: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    Figure 26.        Italy: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    Figure 27.        Spain: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    Figure 28.        Rest of Europe: Neoantigens Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Thousand)

    Figure 29.        Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in European Country Markets


    1. Achilles Therapeutics plc
    2. Frame Cancer Therapeutics
    3. Genocea
    4. Immunicum AB
    5. Medigene AG
    6. Moderna, Inc
    • To understand the Europe neoantigens market landscape and identify market segments that are most likely to guarantee a strong return
    • Stay ahead of the race by comprehending the ever-changing competitive landscape for Europe neoantigens market
    • Efficiently plan M&A and partnership deals in Europe neoantigens market by identifying market segments with the most promising probable sales
    • Helps to take knowledgeable business decisions from perceptive and comprehensive analysis of market performance of various segment form Europe neoantigens Market
    • Obtain market revenue forecast for market by various segments from 2021-2028 in Europe region.
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