北美木颗粒市场预测至 2028 年 - COVID-19 影响和应用区域分析 [住宅供暖、商业供暖、CHP(热电联产)和发电]

TIPRE00025892 | Pages: 67 | Chemicals and Materials | Nov 2021 | Type: Regional | Status: Published


北美包括美国、加拿大和墨西哥等经济体。 2018 年,美国环境保护署 (EPA) 宣布,燃烧木材以及不同形式的生物质将被归类为碳中和,因为释放到环境中的碳与环境中的碳“平衡”。通过种植新树来重新吸收它。此后,木屑颗粒行业快速增长,出口增加。然而,大多数生产工厂规模相对较小,并且依赖锯木厂残留物来生产纤维。此外,美国生产的大部分颗粒在国内消费并出口到海外市场。相反,加拿大生产的颗粒被运往世界各地。因此,北美的木屑颗粒行业正在快速增长。该地区木屑颗粒市场的增长是由化石能源成本不断上涨推动的。此外,丙烷和住宅取暖油的区域价格竞争力,加上传统燃烧器的快速更换以提高供电量,正在推动市场增长。颗粒燃料协会 (PFI) 代表一个贸易协会,它维护在美国运营的木颗粒制造商以及支持他们的公司和组织的利益。此外,PFI 致力于提高人们对使用木颗粒用于家庭供暖和工业用途的好处的认识。据《北美木纤维评论》报道,由于北美对欧洲的出口增加,美国南部和不列颠哥伦比亚省的木颗粒产量激增。欧洲和亚洲国家对木材生物能源不断增长的需求是通过增加产量来满足的。

北美是受 COVID-19 大流行影响最严重的经济体之一。美国报告的确诊病例数最多。美国和加拿大的 COVID-19 病例数量空前增加,以及随后生产设施的封锁,对这些国家各个市场的增长产生了负面影响。截至 2021 年 8 月,美国累计确诊病例 36,266,840 例,死亡 631,757 例。制造设施的严重中断以及原材料采购对该国木屑颗粒的需求产生了负面影响。同样,疫情对加拿大经济也产生了严重影响。然而,由于政府采取疫苗接种等重大措施,市场正在复苏。根据国家生物技术信息中心 (NCBI) 2020 年发表的一篇文章,全球公共卫生机构和政府已经实施了多项战略,并发布了促进健康和卫生的建议、社交距离策略以及其他此类指南,以预防SARS-CoV-2 的传播。在经济复苏的过程中,多个工业部门战略性地重点投资于可持续能源,以适应绿色未来。


北美木屑颗粒市场预计将从2021年的8.0922亿美元增长到2028年的18.3974亿美元;预计2021年至2028年复合年增长率为12.4%。发电行业对木屑颗粒的需求不断增加;随着人们对可持续性的日益关注,对木屑颗粒等生物质颗粒的需求大幅增加。木颗粒可以像使用煤炭作为基础材料一样大量用于发电,这有助于将现有的煤炭发电站转变为可再生的生物能源。此外,这种颗粒具有所需的密度并且形状均匀,这便于运输和储存。多个国家的发电应用对木屑颗粒的需求大幅增加。 美国能源信息管理局 2021 年 6 月发表的一篇文章指出,2021 年发电行业木屑颗粒的使用量正在增加。许多发达经济体避免因使用化石燃料而排放二氧化碳。此外,印度向联合国气候变化框架公约 (UNFCCC) 提供的国家自主贡献预期贡献 (INDC) 强调,必须到 2022 年将生物质发电装机容量从目前的 4.4 吉瓦增加到 10 吉瓦 GW,包括扩大木屑颗粒产能。这将符合到 2030 年将印度电力结构对非化石燃料发电能力的依赖提高到 40% 的总体目标。 使用木屑颗粒和/或木屑颗粒与木屑颗粒混烧发电。煤炭旨在满足太阳能和风能设施有限、农业和林业剩余物资源丰富的州电力监管委员会 (SERC) 规定的可再生能源采购义务 (RPO) 目标。同样,随着对可再生能源的日益关注,对木颗粒的需求预计也会扩大。这促进了木颗粒市场的增长。




根据应用,市场分为住宅供暖、商业供暖、CHP(热电联产)和发电。 2020年,住宅供暖领域占据北美木颗粒市场最大份额。


准备这份北美木屑颗粒市场报告时参考的一些主要一手和二手来源包括公司网站、年度报告、财务报告、国家政府文件和统计数据库等。报告中列出的主要公司包括 ANDRITZ、Energex Pellet Fuel, Inc.、Enviva Lp、Graanul Invest、New England Wood Pellet、Pacific Bioenergy、Pinnacle Renewable Energy Inc、Premium Pellet Ltd、TANAC 和 Wood & Co.。儿子等


  • 了解北美木屑颗粒市场格局,并确定最有可能保证强劲回报的细分市场
  • 通过了解不断变化的形势,保持领先地位北美木屑颗粒市场的竞争格局
  • 通过确定最有希望销售的细分市场,有效规划北美木屑颗粒市场的并购和合作伙伴交易
  • 帮助吸收知识丰富的人才通过对北美木屑颗粒市场各个细分市场的市场表现进行敏锐和全面的分析来做出业务决策
  • 获取北美地区各个细分市场 2021-2028 年的市场收入预测



  • 住宅供暖
  • 商业供暖
  • CHP(热电联产)
  • 发电



  • 美国
  • 加拿大
  • 墨西哥


  • Energex Pellet Fuel, Inc.
  • Enviva Lp
  • Graanul Invest
  • 新英格兰木颗粒
  • 太平洋生物能源
  • Pinnacle Renewable Energy Inc
  • Premium Pellet Ltd
  • 木材和木材儿子


1.           Introduction

1.1          Study Scope

1.2          The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance

1.3          Market Segmentation

2.           Key Takeaways

3.           Research Methodology

3.1          Scope of the Study

3.2          Research Methodology

3.2.1          Data Collection:

3.2.2          Primary Interviews:

3.2.3          Hypothesis formulation:

3.2.4          Macro-economic factor analysis:

3.2.5          Developing base number:

3.2.6          Data Triangulation:

3.2.7          Country level data:

4.           North America Wood Pellet Market Landscape

4.1          Market Overview

4.2          Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

4.2.1          Bargaining Power of Suppliers

4.2.2          Bargaining Power of Buyers

4.2.3          Threat of Substitutes

4.2.4          Threat of New Entrants

4.2.5          Intensity of Competitive Rivalry

4.3          Expert Opinion

4.1          Ecosystem Analysis

5.           North America Wood Pellet Market – Key Market Dynamics

5.1          Market Drivers

5.1.1          Growing Awareness About Use of Renewable Energy Sources

5.1.2          Expanding Demand for Wood Pellets

5.2          Market Restraints

5.2.1          Mandatory Compliances and Operational Challenges Associated with Wood Pellet

5.3          Market Opportunities

5.3.1          Rising Demand for Wood Pellets from Power Generation Industry

5.4          Future Trends

5.4.1          Significant Investment in Research and Expansion

5.5          Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints

6.           Wood Pellet – North America Market Analysis

6.1          North America Wood Pellet Market Overview

6.2          North America Wood Pellet Market –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

7.           North America Wood Pellet Market Analysis – By Application

7.1          Overview

7.2          North America Wood Pellet Market, By Application (2020 and 2028)

7.3          Residential Heating

7.3.1          Overview

7.3.2          Residential Heating: North America Wood Pellet Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

7.4          Commercial Heating

7.4.1          Overview

7.4.2          Commercial Heating: North America Wood Pellet Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

7.5          CHP (Combined Heat and Power)

7.5.1          Overview

7.5.2          CHP (Combined Heat and Power): North America Wood Pellet Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

7.6          Power Generation

7.6.1          Overview

7.6.2          Power Generation: North America Wood Pellet Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

8.           North America Wood Pellet Market – Country Analysis

8.1          North America Wood Pellet Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028

8.1.1          North America Wood pellet Market Breakdown, by Country             US Wood pellet Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ MN)             US Wood pellet Market Breakdown, by Application             Canada Wood pellet Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ MN)             Canada Wood pellet Market Breakdown, by Application             Mexico Wood pellet Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ MN)             Mexico Wood pellet Market Breakdown, by Application

9.           North America Wood Pellet Market Overview – Impact of COVID-19

9.1          North America: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic

10.        Company Profiles

10.1        ANDRITZ

10.1.1        Key Facts

10.1.2        Business Description

10.1.3        Products and Services

10.1.4        Financial Overview

10.1.5        SWOT Analysis

10.1.6        Key Developments

10.2        Energex Pellet Fuel, Inc.

10.2.1        Key Facts

10.2.2        Business Description

10.2.3        Products and Services

10.2.4        Financial Overview

10.2.5        SWOT Analysis

10.2.6        Key Developments

10.3        Enviva Lp

10.3.1        Key Facts

10.3.2        Business Description

10.3.3        Products and Services

10.3.4        Financial Overview

10.3.5        SWOT Analysis

10.3.6        Key Developments

10.4        New England Wood Pellet

10.4.1        Key Facts

10.4.2        Business Description

10.4.3        Products and Services

10.4.4        Financial Overview

10.4.5        SWOT Analysis

10.4.6        Key Developments

10.5        Pacific Bioenergy

10.5.1        Key Facts

10.5.2        Business Description

10.5.3        Products and Services

10.5.4        Financial Overview

10.5.5        SWOT Analysis

10.5.6        Key Developments

10.6        Pinnacle Renewable Energy Inc

10.6.1        Key Facts

10.6.2        Business Description

10.6.3        Products and Services

10.6.4        Financial Overview

10.6.5        SWOT Analysis

10.6.6        Key Developments

10.7        Premium Pellet Ltd.

10.7.1        Key Facts

10.7.2        Business Description

10.7.3        Products and Services

10.7.4        Financial Overview

10.7.5        SWOT Analysis

10.7.6        Key Developments

10.8        Graanul Invest

10.8.1        Key Facts

10.8.2        Business Description

10.8.3        Products and Services

10.8.4        Financial Overview

10.8.5        SWOT Analysis

10.8.6        Key Developments

10.9        Wood & Sons

10.9.1        Key Facts

10.9.2        Business Description

10.9.3        Products and Services

10.9.4        Financial Overview

10.9.5        SWOT Analysis

10.9.6        Key Developments

10.10     TANAC

10.10.1      Key Facts

10.10.2      Business Description

10.10.3      Products and Services

10.10.4      Financial Overview

10.10.5      SWOT Analysis

10.10.6      Key Developments

11.        Appendix

11.1        About The Insight Partners

11.2        Glossary of Terms


Table 1.              North America Wood Pellet Market –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

Table 2.              US Wood pellet Market Revenue And Forecasts to 2028 – By Application (USD Million)

Table 3.              Canada Wood pellet Market Revenue And Forecasts to 2028 – By Product (USD Million)

Table 4.              Mexico Wood pellet Market Revenue And Forecasts to 2028 – By Application (USD Million)

Table 5.              Glossary of Terms, Wood Pellet Market


Figure 1.            North America Wood Pellet Market Segmentation

Figure 2.            North America Wood Pellet Market Segmentation – By Country

Figure 3.            North America Wood Pellet Market Overview

Figure 4.            Residential Heating Segment Held Largest Share of North America Wood Pellet Market

Figure 5.            US Held Largest Share of North America Wood Pellet Market

Figure 6.            North America Wood Pellet Market, Key Market Players

Figure 7.            Porter ‘s Five Forces Analysis for North America Wood Pellets Market

Figure 8.            Expert Opinion

Figure 9.            North America Wood Pellets Market – Ecosystem Analysis

Figure 10.          North America Wood Pellet Market Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints

Figure 11.          North America: Wood Pellet Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

Figure 12.          North America Wood Pellet Market Revenue Share, By Application (2020 and 2028)

Figure 13.          Residential Heating: North America Wood Pellet Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 14.          Commercial Heating: North America Wood Pellet Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 15.          CHP (Combined Heat and Power): North America Wood Pellet Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 16.          Power Generation: North America Wood Pellet Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 17.          North America Wood pellet Market Revenue by Country (US$ Mn)

Figure 18.          North America Wood pellet Market Breakdown, by Country, 2020 & 2028(%)

Figure 19.          US Wood pellet Market Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

Figure 20.          Canada Wood pellet Market Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

Figure 21.          Mexico Wood pellet Market Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

Figure 22.          Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in North America

  2. Energex Pellet Fuel, Inc.
  3. Enviva Lp
  4. Graanul Invest
  5. New England Wood Pellet
  6. Pacific Bioenergy
  7. Pinnacle Renewable Energy Inc
  8. Premium Pellet Ltd
  9. TANAC
  10. Wood & Sons
  • To understand the North America wood pellet market landscape and identify market segments that are most likely to guarantee a strong return
  • Stay ahead of the race by comprehending the ever-changing competitive landscape for North America wood pellet market
  • Efficiently plan M&A and partnership deals in North America wood pellet market by identifying market segments with the most promising probable sales
  • Helps to take knowledgeable business decisions from perceptive and comprehensive analysis of market performance of various segment form North America wood pellet market
  • Obtain market revenue forecast for market by various segments from 2021-2028 in North America region.
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