北美钓鱼鞋市场预测至 2030 年 - 区域分析 - 按产品类型(靴子、鞋子和其他)、类别(男士和女士)和最终用途(住宅/娱乐和商业)

Historic Data: 2020-2021   |   Base Year: 2022   |   Forecast Period: 2023-2030

No. of Pages: 90    |    Report Code: BMIRE00030491    |    Category: Consumer Goods

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North America Fishing Footwear Market
2022 年,北美钓鱼鞋市场价值为 1.8332 亿美元,预计到 2030 年将达到 3.0178 亿美元;预计 2022 年至 2030 年的复合年增长率为 6.4%。


钓鱼作为一项户外活动在世界许多地方越来越受欢迎,尤其是在美国、英国和澳大利亚。根据休闲划船和钓鱼基金会 (RBFF) 的数据,2021 年,超过 5240 万 6 岁及以上的美国人参与了休闲钓鱼。在美国,休闲钓鱼的参与率正在稳步上升。下图显示了美国多年来休闲钓鱼的参与率。


来源:2022 年钓鱼特别报告,户外基金会和休闲划船和钓鱼基金会的合作项目

休闲钓鱼正在成为美国户外传统的重要组成部分。人们喜欢钓鱼,因为它有助于减轻日常压力并促进身心健康。根据户外基金会和休闲划船和钓鱼基金会进行的一项研究,2021 年在美国参与休闲钓鱼的人中有 80% 以 2-5 人为一组进行钓鱼。该研究称,女性大多喜欢钓鱼,以便有更多时间与家人和朋友在一起,而男性则表示他们钓鱼的目的是为了在户外度过更多时间。大多数美国人参加休闲钓鱼是为了逃避日常生活的压力并享受大自然的壮丽。


钓鱼设备包括钓鱼竿、鱼网和陷阱、鱼钩、鱼线轮、鱼线、坠子、鱼饵、鱼饵、钓具和其他设备和配件。由于全球渔业活动的增加,钓鱼设备的需求量很大。由于人们对户外活动的兴趣日益增加以及发展中国家以鱼类为基础的旅游业的增长,休闲钓鱼正在兴起。由于全球海鲜消费量的增加,商业捕鱼业也见证了巨大的增长。根据美国国家海洋和大气管理局渔业局 (NOAA Fisheries) 的数据,2020 年美国商业和休闲海水捕鱼的销售额分别为 1547 亿美元和 980 亿美元,并为美国海洋渔业提供了 170 万个就业岗位。

美国商业和休闲渔业,经济影响,2020 年

来源:2020 年美国渔业经济学中的 2020 年经济影响趋势

商业和休闲渔业的兴起推动了全球渔业设备的销售。渔业设备制造商正在推出具有先进技术的创新产品,以吸引大量消费者。例如,2023 年 7 月,总部位于日本的渔具、自行车零件和划船设备制造商 Shimano Inc 为鲈鱼垂钓者推出了用于长距离抛投和大咬钩的 Mastiff 氟碳钓鱼线。该产品的低线伸长率使垂钓者能够轻松检测到轻微的咬钩,从而快速有效地设置钩子。该产品具有光滑柔软的手感,可以极其准确地进行长距离抛投。预计此类创新产品将在未来几年在消费者中获得巨大吸引力,从而推动市场增长。这些公司还为钓鱼比赛提供赞助,以提高消费者的知名度并促进产品销售。例如,主要的渔具、服装和鞋类公司之一 AFTCO 延长了其长期合作伙伴关系,成为 Bassmaster Tournament Trail 及其最受期待的活动的支持赞助商,这些活动将于 2024 年 3 月举行。该公司将为整个 BASS 员工配备 AFTCO 钓鱼服装。这些策略有望提高消费者对产品的认识,并在未来几年促进市场增长。

北美钓鱼鞋市场收入和预测到 2030 年(百万美元)



就产品类型而言,北美钓鱼鞋市场细分为靴子、鞋子和其他。靴子部分在 2022 年占据了北美钓鱼鞋市场的最大份额。

按类别,北美钓鱼鞋市场分为男性和女性。 2022 年,男装部分占据了北美钓鱼鞋市场的较大份额。

根据最终用途,北美钓鱼鞋市场分为住宅/休闲和商业。2022 年,商业部分占据了北美钓鱼鞋市场的较大份额。

按国家/地区划分,北美钓鱼鞋市场分为美国、加拿大和墨西哥。2022 年,美国占据了北美钓鱼鞋市场的主导地位。

Grundens LLC、Aftco Manufacturing Co Inc、Huk Gear、Korkers Products LLC、Bryant Sales Co LLC、Guntersville Breathables Inc、Pelagic Inc、Vista Outdoor Inc 和 Rocky Brands Inc. 是北美钓鱼鞋市场的一些领先公司。

The List of Companies - North America Fishing Footwear Market

1. Grundens LLC
2. Aftco Manufacturing Co Inc
3. Huk Gear
4. Korkers Products LLC
5. Bryant Sales Co LLC
6. Guntersville Breathables Inc
7. Pelagic Inc
8. Vista Outdoor Inc
9. Rocky Brands Inc

Frequently Asked Questions
How big is the North America Fishing Footwear Market?

The North America Fishing Footwear Market is valued at US$ 183.32 Million in 2022, it is projected to reach US$ 301.78 Million by 2030.

What is the CAGR for North America Fishing Footwear Market by (2022 - 2030)?

As per our report North America Fishing Footwear Market, the market size is valued at US$ 183.32 Million in 2022, projecting it to reach US$ 301.78 Million by 2030. This translates to a CAGR of approximately 6.4% during the forecast period.

What segments are covered in this report?

The North America Fishing Footwear Market report typically cover these key segments-

  • Product Type (Boots, Shoes)
  • Category (Men and Women)
  • What is the historic period, base year, and forecast period taken for North America Fishing Footwear Market?

    The historic period, base year, and forecast period can vary slightly depending on the specific market research report. However, for the North America Fishing Footwear Market report:

  • Historic Period : 2020-2021
  • Base Year : 2022
  • Forecast Period : 2023-2030
  • Who are the major players in North America Fishing Footwear Market?

    The North America Fishing Footwear Market is populated by several key players, each contributing to its growth and innovation. Some of the major players include:

  • Grundens LLC
  • Aftco Manufacturing Co Inc
  • Huk Gear
  • Korkers Products LLC
  • Bryant Sales Co LLC
  • Guntersville Breathables Inc
  • Pelagic Inc
  • Vista Outdoor Inc
  • Rocky Brands Inc
  • Who should buy this report?

    The North America Fishing Footwear Market report is valuable for diverse stakeholders, including:

    • Investors: Provides insights for investment decisions pertaining to market growth, companies, or industry insights. Helps assess market attractiveness and potential returns.
    • Industry Players: Offers competitive intelligence, market sizing, and trend analysis to inform strategic planning, product development, and sales strategies.
    • Suppliers and Manufacturers: Helps understand market demand for components, materials, and services related to concerned industry.
    • Researchers and Consultants: Provides data and analysis for academic research, consulting projects, and market studies.
    • Financial Institutions: Helps assess risks and opportunities associated with financing or investing in the concerned market.

    Essentially, anyone involved in or considering involvement in the North America Fishing Footwear Market value chain can benefit from the information contained in a comprehensive market report.