北美结肠镜市场预测至 2028 年 - COVID-19 影响和按产品类型(光纤结肠镜检查设备和视频结肠镜检查设备)、应用(结直肠癌、林奇综合征、溃疡性结肠炎、克罗恩病和息肉)和最终用户进行的区域分析(医院、门诊手术中心等)

TIPRE00025859 | Pages: 130 | Medical Device | Nov 2021 | Type: Regional | Status: Published





北美结肠镜市场预计将从2021年的5.1692亿美元增至2028年的7.1903亿美元;预计 2021 年至 2028 年复合年增长率为 4.8%。一些因素包括结直肠癌患病率不断上升、扩大其在治疗领域应用的研究活动不断增加、结肠镜检查设备的技术进步以及机器人结肠镜的发展推动该地区的市场增长。然而,直肠疾病替代诊断测试的可用性阻碍了市场的增长。

结直肠癌是一种在结肠或直肠组织中发生的恶性肿瘤。由于结肠癌和直肠癌的共同特征,它们通常被归类。结直肠癌是美国每年诊断出的第三大常见癌症类型(不包括皮肤癌)。 2021年,该国估计有149,500名成年人被诊断患有结直肠癌。自 20 世纪 90 年代中期以来,这种癌症在年轻人中的发病率一直在上升。在美国 30 岁至 39 岁的男性和女性中,结直肠癌估计是第四大诊断癌症。据估计,到 2021 年,该病将导致 52,980 人死亡(28,520 名男性和 24,460 名女性)。此外,它是该国男性和女性癌症死亡的第二大原因,而在 2021 年,它是癌症死亡的第三大原因。男性和女性被分开考虑。如此高的患病率使其成为仅次于乳腺癌的第二大常见癌症,以及仅次于肺癌的第二大死亡原因。在理想的情况下,当癌症在早期被诊断出来时,医生可以通过外科手术切除肿瘤。结肠镜检查是结直肠癌的重要筛查项目,已成为常规癌症筛查的一部分。 2014-2016年间,美国每年接受癌症筛查的成年人数量激增330万人,这被认为是过去十年中50岁以上人群结肠癌死亡率下降30%的主要因素。美国癌症协会在 2018 年发布的更新筛查指南中引用结肠镜检查作为检测结肠癌症和癌前息肉的金标准。此外,研究表明结肠镜检查可以帮助降低结直肠癌发病率约40%,死亡率约50%,这表明北美结肠镜检查设备市场增长前景广阔。此外,显着降低腺瘤“漏诊率”随着标准前视结肠镜检查的发展,全球制造商不断努力改进当前的结肠镜检查技术,探索更先进的光学器件和广角可视化工具以及用户友好、直观的内窥镜平台界面。此类技术的引入正在推动结肠镜市场的增长。

在北美,美国受到了 COVID-19 大流行的严重影响。由于新型冠状病毒的传播,许多城市被封锁,导致各种治疗和手术被取消。在 2019 年 COVID-19 爆发的初始阶段,美国的医疗保健系统迅速做出调整,减少疾病传播并为感染者预留病床。尽管选择性和非紧急程序最初需要推迟,但由于可预防疾病和慢性疾病发病率上升,长期推迟或取消可能会导致其他公共卫生危机。 COVID-19 大流行直接导致了胃肠病学实践的一些变化,以及根据专业协会的建议而发生的变化。技术平台和医疗保健建模数据显示,结肠镜检查和活检数量最初同比减少了 90%;据估计,有 170 万人错过了结肠镜检查。此外,据估计,由于与 COVID-19 相关的延误,未来十年仅结肠癌就可能导致另外 4,500 人死亡。因此,COVID-19 大流行对结肠镜市场增长产生了负面影响。


北美结肠镜市场按产品类型分为光纤结肠镜检查设备和视频结肠镜检查设备。光纤结肠镜检查设备细分市场将在 2021 年占据更大的市场份额,并且预计在预测期内该细分市场的市场复合年增长率将更高。

北美结肠镜市场根据应用分为结直肠癌、林奇综合征、溃疡性结肠炎、克罗恩病和息肉。 2021年,结直肠癌细分市场占据最大市场份额。此外,预计同一细分市场的市场在未来几年将以最快的速度增长。

北美结肠镜市场根据最终用户分为医院、门诊手术中心等。 2021年,医院细分市场占据最大市场份额。此外,预计同一细分市场的市场在未来几年将以最快的速度增长。






  • 根据未来几年北美结肠镜市场的详细趋势分析确定潜在投资领域。
  • 深入了解推动支出最高的国家/地区不同成瘾治疗药物细分市场需求的根本因素,并确定每个细分市场提供的机会.
  • 加强您对市场需求驱动因素、行业趋势和最新技术发展等方面的了解。
  • 确定推动北美结肠镜市场的主要渠道北美结肠镜市场,提供未来机会的清晰画面,有助于分析,从而产生收入扩展。
  • 通过关注不同国家/地区正在进行的项目来引导资源 北美结肠镜市场.




< ul>
  • 光纤结肠镜检查设备
  • 视频结肠镜检查设备
  • 申请

    • 大肠癌
    • 林奇综合征
    • 溃疡性结肠炎
    • 克罗恩病
    • 息肉


    • 医院
    • 日间手术中心
    • 其他最终用户


    • 美国
    • 加拿大
    • 墨西哥


    • 富士胶片公司
    • 奥林巴斯公司
    • KARL STORZ SE &两合公司
    • 宾得医疗
    • 波士顿科学公司
    • Ambu A/S
    • SonoScape Medical Corp.




    1.           Introduction

    1.1          Scope of the Study

    1.2          The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance

    1.3          Market Segmentation

    1.3.1          North America Colonoscopes Market – By Product Type

    1.3.2          North America Colonoscopes Market – By Application

    1.3.3          North America Colonoscopes Market – By End User

    1.3.4          North America Colonoscopes Market – By Country

    2.           Colonoscopes Market – Key Takeaways

    3.           Research Methodology

    3.1          Coverage

    3.2          Secondary Research

    3.3          Primary Research

    4.           Colonoscopes Market – Market Landscape

    4.1          Overview

    4.2          PEST Analysis

    4.2.1          North America – PEST Analysis

    4.3          Experts Opinion

    5.           Colonoscopes Market – Key Market Dynamics

    5.1          Market Drivers

    5.1.1          Increasing Prevalence of Colorectal Cancer

    5.1.2          Technological Advancements in Colonoscopy Devices

    5.2          Key Restraints

    5.2.1          Availability of Alternative Diagnostic Tests for Rectal Diseases

    5.3          Opportunities

    5.3.1          Growing Awareness about Colon Cancer

    5.4          Trends

    5.4.1          Disposable Colonoscopes

    5.4.2          Artificial Intelligence in Colonoscopy

    5.5          Impact Analysis

    6.           Colonoscopes Market –North America Analysis

    6.1          North America Colonoscopes Market Revenue Forecast and Analysis

    7.           Colonoscopes Market Analysis– By Product Type

    7.1          Overview

    7.2          Colonoscopes Market share, by Product Type (2021 and 2028)

    7.3          Fiber Optic Colonoscopy Devices

    7.3.1          Overview

    7.3.2          Fiber Optic Colonoscopy Devices Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

    7.4          Video Colonoscopy Devices

    7.4.1          Overview

    7.4.2          Video Colonoscopy Devices Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

    8.           Colonoscopes Market Analysis– by Application

    8.1          Overview

    8.2          Colonoscopes Market share, by Application (2021 and 2028)

    8.3          Colorectal Cancer

    8.3.1          Overview

    8.3.2          Colorectal Cancer Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

    8.4          Lynch Syndrome

    8.4.1          Overview

    8.4.2          Lynch Syndrome Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

    8.5          Ulcerative Colitis

    8.5.1          Overview

    8.5.2          Ulcerative Colitis Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

    8.6          Crohn's Disease

    8.6.1          Overview

    8.6.2          Crohn's Disease Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

    8.7          Polyp

    8.7.1          Overview

    8.7.2          Polyp Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

    9.           Colonoscopes Market Analysis– by End User

    9.1          Overview

    9.2          Colonoscopes Market share, by End User (2021 and 2028)

    9.3          Hospitals

    9.3.1          Overview

    9.3.2          Hospitals Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

    9.4          Ambulatory Surgery Center

    9.4.1          Overview

    9.4.2          Ambulatory Surgery Center Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

    9.5          Others

    9.5.1          Overview

    9.5.2          Others Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

    10.        Colonoscopes Market – North America Analysis

    10.1        North America: Colonoscopes Market

    10.1.1        Overview

    10.1.2        North America: Colonoscopes Market, by Country, 2021 & 2028 (%)          US: Colonoscopes Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)           US: Colonoscopes Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)           US: Colonoscopes Market, by Product type, 2019–2028 (USD Million)           US: Colonoscopes Market, by Application, 2019–2028 (USD Million)           US: Colonoscopes Market, by End User, 2019–2028 (USD Million)          Canada: Colonoscopes Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)           Canada: Colonoscopes Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)           Canada: Colonoscopes Market, by Product type, 2019–2028 (USD Million)           Canada: Colonoscopes Market, by Application, 2019–2028 (USD Million)           Canada: Colonoscopes Market, by End User, 2019–2028 (USD Million)          Mexico: Colonoscopes Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)           Mexico: Colonoscopes Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)           Mexico: Colonoscopes Market, by Product type – 2019–2028 (USD Million)           Mexico: Colonoscopes Market, by Application – 2019–2028 (USD Million)           Mexico: Colonoscopes Market, by End User, 2019–2028 (USD Million)

    11.        Impact Of COVID-19 Pandemic on North America Colonoscopes Market

    11.1        North America: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic

    12.        Colonoscopes Market–Industry Landscape

    12.1        Overview

    12.2        Organic Developments

    12.2.1        Overview

    12.3        Inorganic Developments

    12.3.1        Overview

    13.        Company Profiles

    13.1        Fujifilm Corporation

    13.1.1        Key Facts

    13.1.2        Business Description

    13.1.3        Products and Services

    13.1.4        Financial Overview

    13.1.5        SWOT Analysis

    13.1.6        Key Developments

    13.2        Olympus Corporation

    13.2.1        Key Facts

    13.2.2        Business Description

    13.2.3        Products and Services

    13.2.4        Financial Overview

    13.2.5        SWOT Analysis

    13.2.6        Key Developments

    13.3        KARL STORZ SE & Co. KG

    13.3.1        Key Facts

    13.3.2        Business Description

    13.3.3        Products and Services

    13.3.4        Financial Overview

    13.3.5        SWOT Analysis

    13.3.6        Key Developments

    13.4        PENTAX Medical

    13.4.1        Key Facts

    13.4.2        Business Description

    13.4.3        Products and Services

    13.4.4        Financial Overview

    13.4.5        SWOT Analysis

    13.4.6        Key Developments

    13.5        Boston Scientific Corporation

    13.5.1        Key Facts

    13.5.2        Business Description

    13.5.3        Products and Services

    13.5.4        Financial Overview

    13.5.5        SWOT Analysis

    13.5.6        Key Developments

    13.6        Ambu A/S

    13.6.1        Key Facts

    13.6.2        Business Description

    13.6.3        Products and Services

    13.6.4        Financial Overview

    13.6.5        SWOT Analysis

    13.6.6        Key Developments

    13.7        SonoScape Medical Corp.

    13.7.1        Key Facts

    13.7.2        Business Description

    13.7.3        Products and Services

    13.7.4        Financial Overview

    13.7.5        SWOT Analysis

    13.7.6        Key Developments

    14.        Appendix

    14.1        About the Insight Partners

    14.2        Glossary of Terms


    Table 1.              US Colonoscopes Market, by Product type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

    Table 2.              US Colonoscopes Market, by Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

    Table 3.              US Colonoscopes Market, by End User – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

    Table 4.              Canada Colonoscopes Market, by Product type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

    Table 5.              Canada Colonoscopes Market, by Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

    Table 6.              Canada Colonoscopes Market, by End User – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

    Table 7.              Mexico Colonoscopes Market, by Product type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

    Table 8.              Mexico Colonoscopes Market, by Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

    Table 9.              Mexico Colonoscopes Market, by End User – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

    Table 10.            Organic Developments in the Colonoscopes Market

    Table 11.            Inorganic Developments in the Colonoscopes Market

    Table 12.            Glossary of Terms, Colonoscopes Market



    Figure 1.            Colonoscopes Market Segmentation

    Figure 2.            Colonoscopes Market Segmentation, By Country

    Figure 3.            North America Colonoscopes Market Overview

    Figure 4.            Fiber Optic Colonoscopy Devices Segment Held the Largest Share of the Product Type Segment in Colonoscopes Market

    Figure 5.            North America Colonoscopes Market – Leading Country Markets (US$ Million)

    Figure 6.            North America PEST Analysis

    Figure 7.            Colonoscopes Market Impact Analysis of Driver And Restraints

    Figure 8.            North America Colonoscopes Market – Revenue Forecast and Analysis – 2020- 2028

    Figure 9.            Colonoscopes Market share, by Product Type (2021 and 2028)

    Figure 10.          Fiber Optic Colonoscopy Devices Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 11.          Video Colonoscopy Devices Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 12.          Colonoscopes Market, by Application (2021 and 2028)

    Figure 13.          Colorectal Cancer Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 14.          Lynch Syndrome Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 15.          Ulcerative Colitis Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 16.          Crohn's Disease Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 17.          Polyp Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 18.          Colonoscopes Market, by End User (2021 and 2028)

    Figure 19.          Hospitals Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 20.          Ambulatory Surgery Center Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 21.          Others Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 22.          North America: Colonoscopes Market, by Key Country – Revenue (2021) (USD Million)

    Figure 23.          North America: Colonoscopes Market, by Country, 2021 & 2028 (%)

    Figure 24.          US: Colonoscopes Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

    Figure 25.          Canada: Colonoscopes Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

    Figure 26.          Mexico: Colonoscopes Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

    Figure 27.          Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in North American Country Markets



    1. Fujifilm Corporation
    2. Olympus Corporation
    3. KARL STORZ SE & Co. KG
    4. PENTAX Medical
    5. Boston Scientific Corporation
    6. Ambu A/S
    7. SonoScape Medical Corp.
    • Save and reduce time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the growth, size, leading players and segments in the North America colonoscopes market.
    • Highlights key business priorities in order to assist companies to realign their business strategies.
    • The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the North America colonoscopes market, thereby allowing players across the value chain to develop effective long-term strategies.
    • Develop/modify business expansion plans by using substantial growth offering developed and emerging markets.
    • Scrutinize in-depth market trends and outlook coupled with the factors driving the market, as well as those hindering it.
    • Enhance the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin security interest with respect to client products, segmentation, pricing and distribution. 
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