北美和欧洲复合测试市场预测至 2028 年 - COVID-19 影响和按产品类型(聚合物基体、陶瓷基体和金属基体)、测试方法 [破坏性(压缩、硬度、拉伸、弯曲和冲击)和区域分析]无损检测(视觉、敲击、超声波、热成像、射线照相和剪切散斑成像)]和应用(航空航天和国防、交通运输、风能、建筑、电气和电子等)

TIPRE00026062 | Pages: 157 | Chemicals and Materials | Nov 2021 | Type: Regional | Status: Published

北美和欧洲复合测试市场预计将从2021年的7.832亿美元增长到2028年的9.7275亿美元;预计 2021 年至 2028 年复合材料的复合年增长率为 3.1%。




北美的复合测试市场预计在预测期内将以最高复合年增长率增长。美国和加拿大是该地区最重要的经济体地区。汽车产量的不断增长刺激了复合材料的需求,进一步推动了该地区的市场。电动汽车需求的激增进一步推动了复合材料测试在该地区的应用,因为电动汽车“™组件正在接受严格的材料测试,以开发轻型电动汽车。多家原始设备制造商已宣布计划大力投资电动汽车。超过十家全球最大的 OEM 厂商已宣布 2030 年及以后的电气化目标。此外,2021 年 6 月,美国能源部 (DoE) 宣布在未来五年内为电池、电动汽车和互联汽车提供 2 亿美元资金支持电动汽车创新的汽车项目。欧洲复合材料测试市场主要分布在德国、法国、英国、意大利、西班牙、俄罗斯和欧洲其他地区。法国和俄罗斯拥有欧洲最著名的飞机制造中心,空客、达索航空、莱昂纳多和泰雷兹集团等知名飞机制造商的参与,随着航空航天业广泛开展各种复合材料测试以开发轻型飞机零部件,飞机的高制造率极大地推动了复合材料测试市场


COVID-19 大流行对复合材料测试市场的影响

随着 COVID-19 在全球范围内的传播,大多数国家宣布卫生紧急情况并停止了不必要的流动,从而影响了货物供应链。由于企业关闭、旅行限制和封锁,这场大流行对各国的经济和工业产生了巨大影响。汽车和航空航天领域生产和供应链的中断损害了复合材料测试市场。例如,国际汽车制造商组织的数据显示,2020年欧洲汽车产量骤降21.6%,美国汽车产量骤降22.1%。因此,汽车行业产量的下降对2020年复合材料测试市场产生了负面影响。因此,预计需要一年的时间才能实现各行业的正常业务,从而影响北美复合材料测试市场的市场动态










根据产品类型,复合材料测试市场分为聚合物基体、陶瓷基体和金属基体。聚合物基质细分市场在 2020 年占据最大市场份额,预计在预测期内复合年增长率最高。聚合物基复合材料广泛用于汽车、航空航天和船舶应用,例如轮胎、飞机内饰、皮带、软管和玻璃纤维船。此外,聚合物基复合材料在医疗器械、个人防护设备、工业设备、体育用品、防弹背心、包装和其他装甲部件结构等方面也有广泛的应用。陶瓷基复合材料用于制造刹车盘作为钢制刹车盘的替代品,因其耐高温、耐腐蚀、重量轻、化学稳定性高而在许多行业得到应用。


复合材料测试市场,按产品类型 - 2020 年和 2028 年






根据应用,复合材料测试市场分为航空航天和国防、交通运输、风能、建筑和施工、电气和电子等在航空航天和国防工业中,复合材料在减轻重量方面发挥了重要作用。航空航天工业可进行各种复合材料测试,例如面积重量测试、压缩性能测试、弯曲测试、体积或质量成分含量测试、动态力学分析 (DMA) 等等。复合材料因其高刚度和强度重量比而最广泛地应用于交通运输行业的结构中,这有助于减轻车辆重量并提高燃油效率。因此,复合材料在各个行业的广泛应用正在促进复合材料测试市场的增长。



主要参与者复合材料测试市场包括 Element Materials Technology;天祥集团有限公司;汉高股份公司公司,KGAA;阿普拉斯+;英斯特朗公司;米斯特拉斯集团;威斯特摩兰机械测试与研究有限公司;矩阵复合材料公司;埃蒂姆复合材料;和复合材料测试实验室有限公司主要公司采取并购和研发等策略来扩大客户群并在北美和欧洲市场获得显着份额,从而使他们能够维持自己的品牌名称。



  • 复合材料测试市场的进步行业趋势,帮助参与者制定有效的长期战略
  • 发达市场和发展中市场采用的业务增长策略
  • 2018年至2028年复合材料测试市场的定量分析
  • 北美和欧洲复合材料测试需求估算
  • li>
  • PEST 分析,以说明行业内买家和供应商的效率
  • 了解竞争市场情况的最新发展
  • 市场趋势和前景以及驱动因素并抑制复合测试市场的增长
  • 通过强调支持商业利益的市场策略来协助决策过程,从而促进市场增长
  • 复合测试的规模各个节点的市场规模
  • 市场的详细概述和细分,以及复合测试市场动态
  • 具有良好增长机会的各个地区的复合测试市场规模
  • li>


复合材料测试市场 - 按产品类型

  • 聚合物基体
  • 陶瓷基体
  • 金属基体


复合材料测试市场 - 按测试方法划分

  • 破坏性
  • 无损检测


复合材料测试市场 - 按应用划分

  • 航空航天和国防
  • 交通运输
  • 风能
  • 建筑和施工
  • 电气和电子
  • 其他



  • Element Materials Technology
  • 汉高股份公司KGAA 公司
  • Applus+
  • Instron Corporation
  • Mistras Group
  • Westmoreland Mechanical Test and Research, Inc.
  • Matrix Composites, Inc.
  • Etim Composites
  • 复合材料测试实验室有限公司

1.           Introduction. 23

1.1         Study Scope. 23

1.2         The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance. 24

1.3         Market Segmentation. 25

2.           Key Takeaways. 28

3.           Research Methodology. 32

3.1         Scope of the Study. 32

3.2         Research Methodology. 33

3.2.1        Data Collection. 35

3.2.2        Primary Interviews. 35

3.2.3        Hypothesis Formulation. 36

3.2.4        Macro-economic Factor Analysis. 36

3.2.5        Developing Base Number 36

3.2.6        Data Triangulation. 37

3.2.7        Country Level Data. 37

4.           North America and Europe Composite Testing Market Landscape. 38

4.1         Market Overview.. 38

4.2         Porter’s Five Forces Analysis. 39

4.3         Expert Opinion. 42

4.4         Ecosystem Analysis. 43

4.4.1        Composite Manufacturer: 43

4.4.2        Testing: 44

4.4.3        End-Use Industries: 44

5.           North America Composite Testing Market — Key Market Dynamics. 45

5.1         Market Drivers. 45

5.1.1        With growing focus on electric vehicles sector, demand for composite testing increases. 45

5.1.2        Increasing application of composites testing in aircraft manufacturing industry in North America. 46

5.2         Market Restraints. 47

5.2.1        High cost of composites. 47

5.3         Market Opportunities. 47

5.3.1        Advancement in technology for testing composites. 47

5.4         Future Trends. 48

5.4.1        Usage of composite material in the building and construction industry. 48

5.5         Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints. 49

6.           Europe Composites Testing Market – Key Market Dynamics. 50

6.1         Market Drivers. 50

6.1.1        Growing demand for lightweight components in the automotive industry. 50

6.1.2        Increasing investment in wind energy in European countries. 51

6.2         Market Restraints. 51

6.2.1        Issues related to the recyclability of composites. 51

6.3         Market Opportunities. 52

6.3.1        Increasing investment in the healthcare industry holds promising growth opportunities over the projected period. 52

6.4         Future Trends. 53

6.4.1        Increasing usage of composite material in various industries. 53

6.5         Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints. 54

7.           Composite Testing – North America and Europe Market Analysis. 55

7.1         Composite Testing Market Overview.. 55

7.2         Composite Testing Market –Revenue and Forecast to 2028. 57

7.3         Competitive Positioning – Key Market Players. 58

8.           North America and Europe Composite Testing Market Analysis – By Product Type. 60

8.1         Overview.. 60

8.2         Composite Testing Market, By Product Type (2020 and 2028) 60

8.3         Polymer Matrix. 61

8.3.1        Overview.. 61

8.3.2        Polymer Matrix: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 61

8.4         Ceramic Matrix. 63

8.4.1        Overview.. 63

8.4.2        Ceramic Matrix: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 63

8.5         Metal Matrix. 65

8.5.1        Overview.. 65

8.5.2        Metal Matrix: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 65

9.           Composite Testing Market Analysis – By Testing Method. 67

9.1         Overview.. 67

9.2         Composite Testing Market, By Testing Method (2020 and 2028) 67

9.3         Destructive. 68

9.3.1        Overview.. 68

9.3.2        Destructive: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 68

9.3.3        Destructive Composite Testing by Type. 70

9.4         Non-Destructive. 71

9.4.1        Overview.. 71

9.4.2        Non-Destructive: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 71

9.4.3        Non-Destructive Composite Testing by Type. 73

10.        North America and Europe Composite Testing Market Analysis – By Application. 74

10.1      Overview.. 74

10.2      Composite Testing Market, By Application (2020 and 2028) 74

10.3      Aerospace and Defense. 75

10.3.1     Overview.. 75

10.3.2     Aerospace and Defense: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 75

10.4      Transportation. 77

10.4.1     Overview.. 77

10.4.2     Transportation: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 77

10.5      Wind Energy. 79

10.5.1     Overview.. 79

10.5.2     Wind Energy: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 79

10.6      Building and Construction. 80

10.6.1     Overview.. 80

10.6.2     Building and Construction: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 80

10.7      Electrical and Electronics. 82

10.7.1     Overview.. 82

10.7.2     Electrical and Electronics: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 82

10.8      Others. 84

10.8.1     Overview.. 84

10.8.2     Others: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 84

11.        Composites Testing Market – Geographic Analysis. 85

11.1      Overview.. 85

11.2      North America: Composites Testing Market 86

11.2.1     North America: Composites Testing Market –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 87

11.2.2     North America: Composites Testing Market, By Product Type. 88

11.2.3     North America: Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method. 90       North America: Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing. 91       North America: Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing. 93

11.2.4     North America: Composites Testing Market, By Application. 95

11.2.5     North America: Composites Testing Market, by Key Country. 97       US: Composites Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 98       US: Composites Testing Market, By Product Type. 99       US: Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method. 99    US: Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing. 100    US: Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing. 101       US: Composites Testing Market, By Application. 102       Canada: Composites Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 103       Canada: Composites Testing Market, By Product Type. 104       Canada: Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method. 104    Canada: Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing. 105    Canada: Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing. 106       Canada: Composites Testing Market, By Application. 107       Mexico: Composites Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 108       Mexico: Composites Testing Market, By Product Type. 109       Mexico: Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method. 110    Mexico: Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing. 110    Mexico: Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing. 111       Mexico: Composites Testing Market, By Application. 112

11.3      Europe: Composites Testing Market 113

11.3.1     Europe: Composites Testing Market –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 114

11.3.2     Europe: Composites Testing Market, By Product Type. 115

11.3.3     Europe: Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method. 116       Europe: Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing. 118       Europe: Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing. 120

11.3.4     Europe: Composites Testing Market, By Application. 122       Germany: Composites Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 124       Germany: Composites Testing Market, By Product Type. 125       Germany: Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method. 126    Germany: Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing. 126    Germany: Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing. 127       Germany: Composites Testing Market, By Application. 128       France: Composites Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 129       France: Composites Testing Market, By Product Type. 130       France: Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method. 131    France: Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing. 131    France: Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing. 132       France: Composites Testing Market, By Application. 133       Italy: Composites Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 134       Italy: Composites Testing Market, By Product Type. 135       Italy: Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method. 135    Italy: Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing. 136    Italy: Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing. 137       Italy: Composites Testing Market, By Application. 138       Spain: Composites Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 139       Spain: Composites Testing Market, By Product Type. 140       Spain: Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method. 141    Spain: Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing. 141    Spain: Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing. 142       Spain: Composites Testing Market, By Application. 143       UK: Composites Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 144       UK: Composites Testing Market, By Product Type. 145       UK: Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method. 145    UK: Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing. 146    UK: Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing. 147       UK: Composites Testing Market, By Application. 148       Russia: Composites Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 149       Russia: Composites Testing Market, By Product Type. 150       Russia: Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method. 150    Russia: Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing. 151    Russia: Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing. 152       Russia: Composites Testing Market, By Application. 153       Rest of Europe: Composites Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 154       Rest of Europe: Composites Testing Market, By Product Type. 155       Rest of Europe: Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method. 155    Rest of Europe: Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing. 156    Rest of Europe: Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing. 157       Rest of Europe: Composites Testing Market, By Application. 158


12.1      Overview- Impact of COVID-19. 159

12.2      Impact of COVID-19 on Composites Testing Market 160

12.3      North America: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic. 161

12.4      Europe: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic. 162

13.        Company Profiles. 163

13.1      Element Materials Technology. 163

13.1.1     Key Facts. 163

13.1.2     Business Description. 163

13.1.3     Products and Services. 164

13.1.4     Financial Overview.. 164

13.1.5     SWOT Analysis. 165

13.1.6     Key Developments. 165

13.2      INTERTEK GROUP PLC. 166

13.2.1     Key Facts. 166

13.2.2     Business Description. 166

13.2.3     Products and Services. 167

13.2.4     Financial Overview.. 167

13.2.5     SWOT Analysis. 170

13.2.6     Key Developments. 170

13.3      Henkel AG & Company, KGAA. 171

13.3.1     Key Facts. 171

13.3.2     Business Description. 171

13.3.3     Products and Services. 172

13.3.4     Financial Overview.. 172

13.3.5     SWOT Analysis. 175

13.3.6     Key Developments. 175

13.4      Applus+. 176

13.4.1     Key Facts. 176

13.4.2     Business Description. 176

13.4.3     Products and Services. 176

13.4.4     Financial Overview.. 177

13.4.5     SWOT Analysis. 178

13.4.6     Key Developments. 178

13.5      Instron Corporation. 179

13.5.1     Key Facts. 179

13.5.2     Business Description. 179

13.5.3     Products and Services. 179

13.5.4     Financial Overview.. 180

13.5.5     SWOT Analysis. 180

13.5.6     Key Developments. 180

13.6      Mistras Group. 181

13.6.1     Key Facts. 181

13.6.2     Business Description. 181

13.6.3     Products and Services. 182

13.6.4     Financial Overview.. 182

13.6.5     SWOT Analysis. 185

13.6.6     Key Developments. 185

13.7      Westmoreland Mechanical Testing And Research, Inc. 186

13.7.1     Key Facts. 186

13.7.2     Business Description. 186

13.7.3     Products and Services. 186

13.7.4     Financial Overview.. 187

13.7.5     SWOT Analysis. 187

13.7.6     Key Developments. 187

13.8      Matrix Composites, Inc. 188

13.8.1     Key Facts. 188

13.8.2     Business Description. 188

13.8.3     Products and Services. 188

13.8.4     Financial Overview.. 189

13.8.5     SWOT Analysis. 189

13.8.6     Key Developments. 189

13.9      Etim Composites. 190

13.9.1     Key Facts. 190

13.9.2     Business Description. 190

13.9.3     Products and Services. 190

13.9.4     Financial Overview.. 190

13.9.5     SWOT Analysis. 191

13.9.6     Key Developments. 191

13.10   Composites Testing Laboratory Ltd. 192

13.10.1  Key Facts. 192

13.10.2  Business Description. 192

13.10.3  Products and Services. 192

13.10.4  Financial Overview.. 192

13.10.5  SWOT Analysis. 193

13.10.6  Key Developments. 193

14.        Appendix. 194

14.1      About The Insight Partners. 194

14.2      Glossary of Terms. 195



Table 1.             Composite Testing Market –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 58

Table 2.             Destructive Composite Testing Market, By Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million) 70

Table 3.             Non-Destructive Composite Testing Market, By Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million) 73

Table 4.             North America Composites Testing Market, By Product Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million) 89

Table 5.             North America Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million) 90

Table 6.             North America Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million) 92

Table 7.             North America Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million) 94

Table 8.             North America Composites Testing Market, By Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million) 96

Table 9.             US Composites Testing Market, By Product Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million) 99

Table 10.          US Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million) 99

Table 11.          US Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million) 100

Table 12.          US Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million) 101

Table 13.          US Composites Testing Market, By Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million) 102

Table 14.          Canada Composites Testing Market, By Product Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million) 104

Table 15.          Canada Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million) 104

Table 16.          Canada Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million) 105

Table 17.          Canada Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million) 106

Table 18.          Canada Composites Testing Market, By Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million) 107

Table 19.          Mexico Composites Testing Market, By Product Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million) 109

Table 20.          Mexico Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million) 110

Table 21.          Mexico Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million) 110

Table 22.          Mexico Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million) 111

Table 23.          Mexico Composites Testing Market, By Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million) 112

Table 24.          Europe: Composites Testing Market, By Product Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 115

Table 25.          Europe: Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 117

Table 26.          Europe: Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 119

Table 27.          Europe: Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 121

Table 28.          Europe: Composites Testing Market, By Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 123

Table 29.          Germany Composites Testing Market, By Product Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 125

Table 30.          Germany Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 126

Table 31.          Germany Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 126

Table 32.          Germany Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 127

Table 33.          Germany Composites Testing Market, By Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 128

Table 34.          France Composites Testing Market, By Product Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 130

Table 35.          France Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 131

Table 36.          France Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 131

Table 37.          France Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 132

Table 38.          France Composites Testing Market, By Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 133

Table 39.          Italy Composites Testing Market, By Product Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 135

Table 40.          Italy Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 135

Table 41.          Italy Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 136

Table 42.          Italy Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 137

Table 43.          Italy Composites Testing Market, By Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 138

Table 44.          Spain Composites Testing Market, By Product Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 140

Table 45.          Spain Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 141

Table 46.          Spain Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 141

Table 47.          Spain Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 142

Table 48.          Spain Composites Testing Market, By Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 143

Table 49.          UK Composites Testing Market, By Product Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 145

Table 50.          UK Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 145

Table 51.          UK Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 146

Table 52.          UK Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 147

Table 53.          UK Composites Testing Market, By Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 148

Table 54.          Russia Composites Testing Market, By Product Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 150

Table 55.          Russia Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 150

Table 56.          Russia Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 151

Table 57.          Russia Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 152

Table 58.          Russia Composites Testing Market, By Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 153

Table 59.          Rest of Europe Composites Testing Market, By Product Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 155

Table 60.          Rest of Europe Composites Testing Market, By Testing Method – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 155

Table 61.          Rest of Europe Composites Testing Market, By Destructive Testing – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 156

Table 62.          Rest of Europe Composites Testing Market, By Non-Destructive Testing – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 157

Table 63.          Rest of Europe Composites Testing Market, By Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 158

Table 64.          Glossary of Terms, North America and Europe Composites Testing Market 195




Figure 1.           North America and Europe Composite Testing Market Segmentation. 25

Figure 2.           Composite Testing Market Segmentation – By Geography. 26

Figure 3.           North America and Europe Composite Testing Market Overview.. 28

Figure 4.           North America and Europe Composite Testing Market, By Product 29

Figure 5.           Composite Testing Market, By Geography. 30

Figure 6.           North America and Europe Composite Testing Market, Industry Landscape. 31

Figure 7.           Porter’s Five Forces Analysis. 39

Figure 8.           Expert Opinion. 42

Figure 9.           Composites Testing Market, Ecosystem.. 43

Figure 10.        Composites Testing Market Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints. 49

Figure 11.        Composites Testing Market Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints. 54

Figure 12.        Geographic Overview of Composite Testing Market 56

Figure 13.        North America and Europe: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 57

Figure 14.        Composites Testing Market Revenue Share, By Product Type (2020 and 2028) 60

Figure 15.        Polymer Matrix: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast To 2028 (US$ Million) 62

Figure 16.        Ceramic Matrix: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast To 2028 (US$ Million) 64

Figure 17.        Metal Matrix: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast To 2028 (US$ Million) 66

Figure 18.        Composites Testing Market Revenue Share, By Testing Method (2020 and 2028) 67

Figure 19.        Destructive: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast To 2028 (US$ Million) 69

Figure 20.        Non-Destructive: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast To 2028 (US$ Million) 72

Figure 21.        Composite Testing Market Revenue Share, By Application (2020 and 2028) 74

Figure 22.        Aerospace and Defense: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast To 2028 (US$ Million) 76

Figure 23.        Transportation: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast To 2028 (US$ Million) 78

Figure 24.        Wind Energy: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast To 2028 (US$ Million) 79

Figure 25.        Building and Construction: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast To 2028 (US$ Million) 81

Figure 26.        Electrical and Electronics: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast To 2028 (US$ Million) 83

Figure 27.        Others: Composite Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast To 2028 (US$ Million) 84

Figure 28.        Global Composites Testing Market Revenue Share, By Region (2020 and 2028) 85

Figure 29.        North America: Composites Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 87

Figure 30.        North America: Composites Testing Market Revenue Share, By Product Type (2020 and 2028) 88

Figure 31.        North America: Composites Testing Market Revenue Share, By Testing Method (2020 and 2028) 90

Figure 32.        North America: Composites Testing Market Revenue Share, By Destructive Testing (2020 and 2028) 91

Figure 33.        North America: Composites Testing Market Revenue Share, By Non-Destructive Testing (2020 and 2028) 93

Figure 34.        North America: Composites Testing Market Revenue Share, By Application (2020 and 2028) 95

Figure 35.        North America: Composites Testing Market Revenue Share, by Key Country (2020 and 2028) 97

Figure 36.        US: Composites Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 98

Figure 37.        Canada: Composites Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 103

Figure 38.        Mexico: Composites Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 108

Figure 39.        Europe: Composites Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 114

Figure 40.        Europe: Composites Testing Market Revenue Share, By Product Type (2020 and 2028) 115

Figure 41.        Europe: Composites Testing Market Revenue Share, By Testing Method (2020 and 2028) 116

Figure 42.        Europe: Composites Testing Market Revenue Share, By Destructive Testing (2020 and 2028) 118

Figure 43.        Europe: Composites Testing Market Revenue Share, By Non-Destructive Testing (2020 and 2028) 120

Figure 44.        Europe: Composites Testing Market Revenue Share, By Application (2020 and 2028) 122

Figure 45.        Germany: Composites Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 124

Figure 46.        France: Composites Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 129

Figure 47.        Italy: Composites Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 134

Figure 48.        Spain: Composites Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 139

Figure 49.        UK: Composites Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 144

Figure 50.        Russia: Composites Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 149

Figure 51.        Rest of Europe: Composites Testing Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million) 154

Figure 52.        Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Composites Testing Market in North America. 161

Figure 53.        Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Composites Testing Market in Europe. 162


The List of Companies - Composites Testing Market

  • Highlights key business priorities to assist companies realign their business strategies.
  • Features key findings and crucial progressive industry trends in the North America and Europe composites testing market, thereby allowing players to develop effective long-term strategies.
  • Develops/modifies business expansion plans by using substantial growth offering from developed and emerging markets.
  • Scrutinizes in-depth market trends as well as key market drivers and restraints.
  • Enhances the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin commercial interest with respect to products, segmentation, and industry verticals.
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