中东和非洲帆布市场预测至 2030 年 - 区域分析 - 按纤维类型(聚酯、尼龙、超级 PE、碳纤维、芳纶等)和应用(巡航帆和赛帆)
随着环保材料和生产工艺的发展,可持续性正成为帆布创新的重点。帆布市场正在经历一场变革性的转变,推动力是人们对可持续材料的日益关注。这推动了对不仅具有高性能而且符合环保原则的帆布的需求。可持续帆布材料包括一系列选择,包括再生纤维、生物基聚合物和来自可再生资源的织物。帆制造商正在积极应对这种转变,将这些材料纳入其产品线,解决资源枯竭和废物产生问题。帆布行业对可持续发展的承诺不仅限于遵守法规,还反映了对其在减少生态足迹方面所发挥的作用的认可。开发由再生塑料、竹纤维和其他可持续材料制成的帆布很可能满足人们对环保产品日益增长的需求。2024 年 1 月,North Sails 宣布推出 NPL Renew,这是一种可持续帆布,适用于长度不超过 45 英尺(13.7 米)的游艇,由 90% 的再生材料和芬兰树木制成。随着帆船界及其他地区的环保意识不断增强,帆布制造商正在投资减少生态足迹的解决方案。帆布市场对可持续材料的关注不仅是对消费者趋势的回应,也代表了未来行业发展的战略举措。随着世界各国政府和组织将环境可持续性放在首位,采用环保做法的帆布制造商将自己定位为负责任生产的领导者。这反过来又开辟了新的增长途径,因为有环保意识的水手们会积极寻找符合他们价值观的产品。因此,对可持续材料的日益关注是一股强大的力量,预计将塑造帆布市场的未来。
在经济、社会和环境因素的共同推动下,中东和非洲帆布市场正在经历显著的增长。其核心是蓬勃发展的游艇业,推动因素包括可支配收入的增加、对奢华休闲活动日益增长的兴趣以及政府对开发沿海基础设施的投资。阿联酋、沙特阿拉伯和摩洛哥等国家正在经历游艇拥有量和游艇码头的激增,赛艇和巡航爱好者对高性能帆布的需求强劲。此外,帆布技术的进步在其日益普及的过程中发挥着至关重要的作用。制造商正在利用包括 Kevlar 和 Dyneema 在内的高科技材料进行创新,这些材料具有出色的强度重量比和更好的抗紫外线性能,非常适合中东和非洲的严苛气候。帆船设计软件和自动化的发展正在带来更高效和定制化的帆船生产,以满足当地水手的特定需求。此外,该地区的帆船比赛数量正在激增,从著名的国际赛事(如巴林的美洲杯世界系列赛)到沿海社区的当地帆船赛。其他活动,如 SailGP 和 SB20 世界锦标赛,也成为创新的催化剂,以开发具有卓越性能特征的尖端帆布。此外,体育赛事是吸引旅游业的强大磁铁,帆船运动通常是游客最热衷的活动。这导致对包租游艇和休闲帆船体验的需求增加,所有这些都需要高性能和耐用的帆布来确保参与者的安全。
中东和非洲帆布市场收入及预测至 2030 年(百万美元)
根据纤维类型,中东和非洲帆布市场分为聚酯、尼龙、超 PE、碳纤维、芳纶等。聚酯部分在 2022 年占据最大市场份额。
在应用方面,中东和非洲帆布市场分为巡航帆和赛帆。赛帆部分在 2022 年占据了更大的市场份额。
按国家/地区划分,中东和非洲帆布市场分为沙特阿拉伯、阿联酋、南非和中东及非洲其他地区。 2022 年,沙特阿拉伯占据了中东和非洲帆布市场的主导份额。
Ullman Sails International Inc、Evolution Sails USA、Quantum Sails Design Group LLC、Elvstrom Sails AS、North Sails GmbH 和 Contender BV 是中东和非洲帆布市场的一些领先公司。
1. Introduction
1.1 The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance
1.2 Market Segmentation
2. Executive Summary
2.1 Key Insights
2.2 Market Attractiveness
3. Research Methodology
3.1 Coverage
3.2 Secondary Research
3.3 Primary Research
3.4 Limitations and Assumptions
4. Middle East & Africa Sailcloth Market Landscape
4.1 Overview
4.2 Ecosystem Analysis
4.3 Porter's Five Forces Analysis
5. Middle East & Africa Sailcloth Market - Key Market Dynamics
5.1 Market Drivers
5.1.1 Rising Interest in Recreational Sailing
5.1.2 Growing Popularity of Competitive Sailing Events
5.2 Market Restraints
5.2.1 High Cost of Premium Sailcloth Materials
5.3 Market Opportunities
5.3.1 Increasing Emphasis on Technological Advancement
5.4 Future Trends
5.4.1 Growing Focus on Sustainable Materials
5.5 Impact Analysis
6. Sailcloth Market - Middle East & Africa Analysis
6.1 Middle East & Africa Sailcloth Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2030
6.2 Middle East & Africa Sailcloth Market Forecast Analysis
7. Middle East & Africa Sailcloth Market Analysis - by Fiber Type
7.1 Polyester
7.1.1 Overview
7.1.2 Polyester: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
7.2 Nylon
7.2.1 Overview
7.2.2 Nylon: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
7.3 Ultra PE
7.3.1 Overview
7.3.2 Ultra PE: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
7.4 Carbon Fiber
7.4.1 Overview
7.4.2 Carbon Fiber: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
7.5 Aramid
7.5.1 Overview
7.5.2 Aramid: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
7.6 Others
7.6.1 Overview
7.6.2 Others: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
8. Middle East & Africa Sailcloth Market Analysis - by Application
8.1 Cruising Sails
8.1.1 Overview
8.1.2 Cruising Sails: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
8.2 Racing Sails
8.2.1 Overview
8.2.2 Racing Sails: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
9. Middle East & Africa Sailcloth Market - Country Analysis
9.1 Middle East & Africa Market Overview
9.1.1 Middle East & Africa: Sailcloth Market Breakdown, by Key Country, 2022 and 2030 (%) Middle East & Africa: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Country South Africa: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) South Africa: Sailcloth Market Breakdown, by Fiber Type South Africa: Sailcloth Market Breakdown, by Application Saudi Arabia: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) Saudi Arabia: Sailcloth Market Breakdown, by Fiber Type Saudi Arabia: Sailcloth Market Breakdown, by Application UAE: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) UAE: Sailcloth Market Breakdown, by Fiber Type UAE: Sailcloth Market Breakdown, by Application Rest of Middle East & Africa: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) Rest of Middle East & Africa: Sailcloth Market Breakdown, by Fiber Type Rest of Middle East & Africa: Sailcloth Market Breakdown, by Application
10. Competitive Landscape
10.1 Heat Map Analysis by Key Players
10.2 Company Positioning & Concentration
11. Industry Landscape
11.1 Overview
11.2 Product launch
11.3 Other Strategies and Developments
12. Company Profiles
12.1 Ullman Sails International Inc
12.1.1 Key Facts
12.1.2 Business Description
12.1.3 Products and Services
12.1.4 Financial Overview
12.1.5 SWOT Analysis
12.1.6 Key Developments
12.2 Evolution Sails USA
12.2.1 Key Facts
12.2.2 Business Description
12.2.3 Products and Services
12.2.4 Financial Overview
12.2.5 SWOT Analysis
12.2.6 Key Developments
12.3 Quantum Sails Design Group LLC
12.3.1 Key Facts
12.3.2 Business Description
12.3.3 Products and Services
12.3.4 Financial Overview
12.3.5 SWOT Analysis
12.3.6 Key Developments
12.4 Elvstrom Sails AS
12.4.1 Key Facts
12.4.2 Business Description
12.4.3 Products and Services
12.4.4 Financial Overview
12.4.5 SWOT Analysis
12.4.6 Key Developments
12.5 North Sails GmbH
12.5.1 Key Facts
12.5.2 Business Description
12.5.3 Products and Services
12.5.4 Financial Overview
12.5.5 SWOT Analysis
12.5.6 Key Developments
12.6 Contender BV
12.6.1 Key Facts
12.6.2 Business Description
12.6.3 Products and Services
12.6.4 Financial Overview
12.6.5 SWOT Analysis
12.6.6 Key Developments
13. Appendix
13.1 About The Insight Partners
List of Tables
Table 1. Middle East & Africa Sailcloth Market Segmentation
Table 2. Middle East & Africa Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Table 3. Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Fiber Type
Table 4. Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Application
Table 5. Middle East & Africa: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Country
Table 6. South Africa: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Fiber Type
Table 7. South Africa: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Application
Table 8. Saudi Arabia: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Fiber Type
Table 9. Saudi Arabia: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Application
Table 10. UAE: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Fiber Type
Table 11. UAE: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Application
Table 12. Rest of Middle East & Africa: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Fiber Type
Table 13. Rest of Middle East & Africa: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Application
List of Figures
Figure 1. Middle East & Africa Sailcloth Market Segmentation, by Country
Figure 2. Ecosystem: Sailcloth Market
Figure 3. Sailcloth Market - Porter's Analysis
Figure 4. Sailcloth Market - Key Market Dynamics
Figure 5. Sailcloth Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints
Figure 6. Middle East & Africa Sailcloth Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2030
Figure 7. Sailcloth Market Share (%) - by Fiber Type (2022 and 2030)
Figure 8. Polyester: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 9. Nylon: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 10. Ultra PE: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 11. Carbon Fiber: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 12. Aramid: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 13. Others: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 14. Sailcloth Market Share (%) - by Application (2022 and 2030)
Figure 15. Cruising Sails: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 16. Racing Sails: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 17. Middle East & Africa Sailcloth Market, by Key Country - Revenue (2022) (US$ Million)
Figure 18. Middle East & Africa: Sailcloth Market Breakdown, by Key Countries, 2022 and 2030 (%)
Figure 19. South Africa: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 20. Saudi Arabia: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 21. UAE: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 22. Rest of Middle East & Africa: Sailcloth Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 23. Heat Map Analysis by Key Players
Figure 24. Company Positioning & Concentration
- Ullman Sails International Inc
- Evolution Sails USA
- Quantum Sails Design Group LLC
- Elvstrom Sails AS
- North Sails GmbH
- Contender BV
- Save and reduce time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the growth, size, leading players, and segments in the Middle East & Africa sailcloth market.
- Highlights key business priorities in order to assist companies to realign their business strategies.
- The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the Middle East & Africa sailcloth market, thereby allowing players across the value chain to develop effective long-term strategies.
- Develop/modify business expansion plans by using substantial growth offering developed and emerging markets.
- Scrutinize in-depth Middle East & Africa market trends and outlook coupled with the factors driving the Middle East & Africa sailcloth market, as well as those hindering it.
- Enhance the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin commercial interest with respect to client products, segmentation, pricing, and distribution.