2028年までのアジア太平洋航空貨物セキュリティおよびスクリーニングシステム市場予測 – 新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響と貨物サイズ別(小包、小包およびパレット貨物、大型貨物)、テクノロジー別(X線システム、ETD、EDSなど)の地域分析)、アプリケーション (麻薬探知、爆発物探知、金属および密輸品探知、その他)

TIPRE00026593 | Pages: 130 | Electronics and Semiconductor | Jan 2022 | Type: Regional | Status: Published


発展途上国の存在と、革新的かつ革新的な技術の採用の増加先進的なテクノロジーは、APAC 地域全体の成長に貢献します。オーストラリア、中国、インドは、この地域の航空貨物のセキュリティおよび検査市場の成長に大きく貢献しています。急速な技術開発、経済のデジタル化、政府の適切な支援は、APAC 経済の成長に貢献する重要な要素の 1 つです。セキュリティ検査システムの導入の増加と、空港での輸送温度に敏感なシステムのニーズの高まりが、APAC航空貨物のセキュリティおよび検査システムの需要に影響を与えています。さらに、テロの増加による安全性への懸念の高まりや電子商取引の急速な普及も市場の成長に貢献する要因です。さらに、この地域のさまざまな国の政府は空港の開発に注力しています。たとえば、インド空港庁は、ホテル、駐車場、その他の施設の建設について民間企業の支援を得て、全国の空港に都市側のインフラを構築することを計画しています。また、インド政府は今後数年間に新しい空港を設置する計画を立てている。中国政府はインフラの近代化に非常に注力しており、インフラ開発のためのいくつかのプロジェクトを完了しました。さらに、この国は交通インフラを絶えず拡張しています。インフラ整備の増加により、新しい航空貨物のセキュリティおよび検査システムが導入されることになります。さらに、アジア太平洋航空協会(AAPA)によると、2021年6月、アジア太平洋を拠点とする航空会社の国際航空貨物需要(貨物トンキロ(FTK)換算)は、前年比25.7%増加したという。

新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の場合、APAC、特にインドが大きな影響を受けます。発展途上国には必要な医療インフラが整備されておらず、これが2020年に記録された感染者数の増加につながった主な理由でした。経済協力開発機構(OECD)によると、パンデミックは重要な経済に影響を与えています。インド、オーストラリア、日本などはある程度です。保健医療施設が不十分なため、政府当局は生産現場での労働力の制限を課さなければなりませんでした。国内のさまざまな地域に配送される貨物には、新型コロナウイルス感染症関連の医療機器、試薬、酵素、マスク、検査キット、検査キットなどが含まれます。 PPE、手袋、およびその他の付属品。さらに、インド民間航空省は、新型コロナウイルス感染症との闘いを大幅に強化するために、政策レベルおよび地上レベルで継続的な取り組みを行っています。たとえば、エア・インディアとIAF(インド空軍)は、供給に関して協力しています。ラダック、インパール、ディマプール、ガントク、バグドグラ、グワーハーティー、チェンナイ、ポート ブレア全域で医療機器を提供する医療航空貨物関連の専用ウェブサイト「ライフライン ウダン」が開設され、機能しています。アジア太平洋航空協会 (AAPA) によると、航空貨物分野では、アジア諸国で必要とされている医療機器や物資の輸送が活発に行われており、医療機器供給のための航空貨物需要の拡大に伴い、セキュリティや検査体制への要求も高まっており、APACにおける航空貨物事業は


<スパン>アジア太平洋地域の航空貨物セキュリティおよび検査システム市場は、2021年の2億9,083万米ドルから2028年までに4億5,311万米ドルに成長すると予想されています。 2021 年から 2028 年にかけて CAGR は 6.5% で成長すると推定されています。テロ活動の増加と主要経済国に対する脅威の増大により、政府やその他の統治機関は航空交通管制の実施を余儀なくされています。いくつかの当局は、この地域の空港のすべての出入り口でセキュリティスキャンシステムを強化すると予想されています。空港に小包スキャナーを配備すると、ダイヤモンド、麻薬、密輸、武器、その他の高価な物品などの不正行為を減らすことができます。主要コンポーネントの 1 つとして X 線貨物スキャナーを含むセキュリティ検査システムは、テロ活動の影響を軽減することに成功しています。また、暴力やテロのレベルの高まりに伴い、空港へのX線スキャナーの設置が増えています。したがって、増大するテロ活動と航空部門によるインフラへの投資は、今後数年間でアジア太平洋地域の航空貨物セキュリティおよび検査システム市場の成長に有利な機会を生み出すでしょう。


貨物サイズの点では、ブレイクおよびパレット貨物セグメントがAPAC航空の最大のシェアを占めました2020 年の貨物セキュリティおよび検査システム市場は、テクノロジーの観点から、X 線システム部門が 2020 年の APAC 航空貨物セキュリティおよび検査システム市場でより大きな市場シェアを占めました。さらに、爆発物探知機セグメントは、APAC の航空貨物セキュリティおよび検査システム市場でより大きなシェアを占めました。 2020 年の申請に基づく APAC の航空貨物セキュリティおよび検査システム市場。  

リストされている主要な供給元および企業 >

アジア太平洋地域の航空貨物セキュリティおよび検査システム市場に関するこのレポートを作成するために参照されたいくつかの主要な一次および二次情報源は、企業の Web サイト、年次報告書、財務報告書、政府機関などです。文書、統計データベースなど。レポートに記載されている主要企業は、Astrophysics Inc.です。ドナーディ・ハイテック・イノベーションズ。クリスタルビジョン イメージ システムズ Pvt.株式会社;ナクテック株式会社;ラピスキャンシステムズ社; Safeway Inspection System Limited;サフラン; Smiths Detection Group Ltd. (スミス グループ plc);


  • アジア太平洋地域の航空貨物のセキュリティおよび検査システムの市場状況を理解し、保証が最も期待できる市場セグメントを特定する大きな利益
  • アジア太平洋地域の航空貨物セキュリティおよび検査システム市場の絶え間なく変化する競争環境を理解し、競争に先んじる
  • 最も売上が見込まれる市場セグメントを特定することで、アジア太平洋地域の航空貨物セキュリティおよび検査システム市場での M&A およびパートナーシップ取引を効率的に計画します。
  • 知識に基づいたビジネス上の意思決定を支援します。 APAC航空貨物セキュリティおよびスクリーニングシステム市場のさまざまなセグメントの市場パフォーマンスの知覚的かつ包括的な分析から
  • APAC地域の2021年から2028年までのさまざまなセグメントごとの市場収益予測を取得します<スパン>。

APAC 航空貨物セキュリティおよびスクリーニング システム市場セグメンテーション

アジア太平洋航空貨物セキュリティおよびスクリーニング システム市場 - 貨物別サイズ

  • 小包
  • 小包およびパレット貨物
  • 大型貨物

アジア太平洋航空貨物セキュリティおよびスクリーニング システム市場 - テクノロジー

  • X 線システム
  • ETD 
  • EDS
  • その他

アジア太平洋航空貨物セキュリティおよびスクリーニング システム市場 - アプリケーション別

  • 麻薬の検出
  • 爆発物の検出
  • 金属および密輸品の検出
  • その他

アジア太平洋航空貨物セキュリティおよびスクリーニングシステム市場 - 国別

  • 中国
  • 日本
  • 韓国
  • インド
  • インドネシア
  • シンガポール
  • マレーシア
  • ベトナム
  • タイ
  • アジア太平洋地域のその他の地域

アジア太平洋地域の航空貨物セキュリティおよび検査システム市場 - 会社概要

  • Astrophysics Inc.    
  • Dhonaadhi Hitec Innovations
  • Krystalvision Image Systems Pvt. Ltd.
  • Nuctech Company Limited
  • Rapiscan Systems, Inc.
  • < scan>Safeway Inspection System Limited
  • Safran
  • Smiths Detection Group Ltd. (Smiths Group plc)
  • VOTI Detection Inc.    

1.           Introduction

1.1         Study Scope

1.2         The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance

1.3         Market Segmentation

2.           Key Takeaways

3.        Research Methodology

3.1         Coverage

3.2         Secondary Research

3.3         Primary Research

4.           APAC Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market Landscape

4.1         Market Overview

4.2         APAC PEST Analysis

4.3         Ecosystem Analysis

4.4         Expert Opinions

5.           APAC Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Key Market Dynamics

5.1         Market Drivers

5.1.1        Surging Deployment of Security Screening Systems at Airports

5.1.2        Growing Need to Transport Temperature Sensitive Products

5.2         Market Restraints

5.2.1        Insufficient Technical Expertise and Attack on Airport IT Infrastructure

5.3         Market Opportunities

5.3.1        Escalating Safety Concerns Due to Rising Incidences of Terrorism

5.4         Future Trends

5.4.1        Burgeoning E-commerce Industry

5.5         Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints

6.           Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – APAC Analysis

6.1         APAC Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market

6.2         APAC: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

7.           APAC Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market Analysis –By Cargo Size

7.1         Overview

7.2         APAC Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market Breakdown, By Cargo Size, 2020 & 2028

7.3         Small Parcel

7.3.1        Overview

7.3.2        Small Parcel: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

7.4         Break and Pallet Cargo

7.4.1        Overview

7.4.2        Break and Pallet Cargo: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

7.5         Oversized Cargo

7.5.1        Overview

7.5.2        Oversized Cargo: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

8.           APAC Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market Analysis – By Technology

8.1         Overview

8.2         APAC Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market Breakdown, By Technology, 2020 & 2028

8.3         X-ray systems

8.3.1        Overview

8.3.2        X-ray systems: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

8.4         ETD

8.4.1        Overview

8.4.2        ETD: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

8.5         EDS

8.5.1        Overview

8.5.2        EDS: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

8.6         Others

8.6.1        Overview

8.6.2        Others: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

9.           APAC Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market Analysis – By Application

9.1         Overview

9.2         APAC Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market Breakdown, By Application, 2020 & 2028

9.3         Narcotics Detection

9.3.1        Overview

9.3.2        Narcotics Detection: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

9.4         Explosive Detection

9.4.1        Overview

9.4.2        Explosive Detection: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

9.5         Metal and Contraband Detection

9.5.1        Overview

9.5.2        Metal and Contraband Detection: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

9.6         Others

9.6.1        Overview

9.6.2        Others: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

10.        APAC Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Country Analysis

10.1      Overview

10.1.1     APAC: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Key Country       China: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US $ Million)       China: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Cargo Size       China: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Technology       China: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Application       Japan: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US $ Million)       Japan: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Cargo Size       Japan: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Technology       Japan: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Application       South Korea: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US $ Million)       South Korea: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Cargo Size       South Korea: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Technology       South Korea: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Application       India: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)       India: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Size       India: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Technology       India: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Application       Indonesia: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)       Indonesia: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Size       Indonesia: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Technology       Indonesia: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Application       Singapore: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)       Singapore: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Size       Singapore: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Technology       Singapore: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Application       Malaysia: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)       Malaysia: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Size       Malaysia: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Technology       Malaysia: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Application       Vietnam: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)       Vietnam: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Size       Vietnam: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Technology       Vietnam: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Application       Thailand: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)       Thailand: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Size       Thailand: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Technology       Thailand: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Application    Rest of APAC: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)    Rest of APAC: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Size    Rest of APAC: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Technology    Rest of APAC: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Application

11.        Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on APAC Air Cargo Security and Screening System Market

11.1      APAC: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic

12.        Industry Landscape

12.1      Overview

12.2      New Product Development

13.        Company Profiles

13.1      Astrophysics Inc.

13.1.1     Key Facts

13.1.2     Business Description

13.1.3     Products and Services

13.1.4     Financial Overview

13.1.5     SWOT Analysis

13.1.6     Key Developments

13.2      Dhonaadhi Hitec Innovations

13.2.1     Key Facts

13.2.2     Business Description

13.2.3     Products and Services

13.2.4     Financial Overview

13.2.5     SWOT Analysis

13.2.6     Key Developments

13.3      Krystalvision Image Systems Pvt. Ltd.

13.3.1     Key Facts

13.3.2     Business Description

13.3.3     Products and Services

13.3.4     Financial Overview

13.3.5     SWOT Analysis

13.3.6     Key Developments

13.4      Nuctech Company Limited

13.4.1     Key Facts

13.4.2     Business Description

13.4.3     Products and Services

13.4.4     Financial Overview

13.4.5     SWOT Analysis

13.4.6     Key Developments

13.5      Rapiscan Systems, Inc.

13.5.1     Key Facts

13.5.2     Business Description

13.5.3     Products and Services

13.5.4     Financial Overview

13.5.5     SWOT Analysis

13.5.6     Key Developments

13.6      Safran

13.6.1     Key Facts

13.6.2     Business Description

13.6.3     Products and Services

13.6.4     Financial Overview

13.6.5     SWOT Analysis

13.6.6     Key Developments

13.7      VOTI Detection Inc.

13.7.1     Key Facts

13.7.2     Business Description

13.7.3     Products and Services

13.7.4     Financial Overview

13.7.5     SWOT Analysis

13.7.6     Key Developments

13.8      Safeway Inspection System Limited

13.8.1     Key Facts

13.8.2     Business Description

13.8.3     Products and Services

13.8.4     Financial Overview

13.8.5     SWOT Analysis

13.8.6     Key Developments

13.9      Smiths Detection Group Ltd. (Smiths Group plc)

13.9.1     Key Facts

13.9.2     Business Description

13.9.3     Products and Services

13.9.4     Financial Overview

13.9.5     SWOT Analysis

13.9.6     Key Developments

14.        Appendix

14.1      About The Insight Partners

14.2      Word Index



Table 1.             APAC Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue, and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 2.             APAC: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Country – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 3.             China: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Cargo Size– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US $ Million)

Table 4.             China: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Technology – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US $ Million)

Table 5.             China: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US $ Million)

Table 6.             Japan: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Cargo Size– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US $ Million)

Table 7.             Japan: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Technology – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US $ Million)

Table 8.             Japan: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US $ Million)

Table 9.             South Korea: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Cargo Size– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US $ Million)

Table 10.          South Korea: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Technology – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US $ Million)

Table 11.          South Korea: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US $ Million)

Table 12.          India: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Size –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 13.          India: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Technology –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 14.          India: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Application –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 15.          Indonesia: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Size –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 16.          Indonesia: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Technology –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 17.          Indonesia: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Application –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 18.          Singapore: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Size –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 19.          Singapore: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Technology –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 20.          Singapore: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Application –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 21.          Malaysia: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Size –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 22.          Malaysia: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Technology –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 23.          Malaysia: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Application –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 24.          Vietnam: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Size –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 25.          Vietnam: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Technology –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 26.          Vietnam: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Application –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 27.          Thailand: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Size –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 28.          Thailand: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Technology –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 29.          Thailand: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Application –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 30.          Rest of APAC: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Size –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 31.          Rest of APAC: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Technology –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 32.          Rest of APAC: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market, by Application –Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 33.          List of Abbreviation



Figure 1.           APAC Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market Segmentation

Figure 2.           APAC Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market Segmentation – By Country

Figure 3.           APAC Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market Overview

Figure 4.           Break & Pallet Cargo Held the Largest Market Share in 2020

Figure 5.           X-ray Systems Held the Largest Market Share in 2020

Figure 6.           China Held the Largest Market Share in 2020

Figure 7.           APAC – PEST Analysis

Figure 8.           APAC Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market– Ecosystem Analysis

Figure 9.           Expert Opinion

Figure 10.        APAC Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market: Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints

Figure 11.        APAC: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 12.        APAC Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market Breakdown, By Cargo Size, 2020 & 2028 (%)

Figure 13.        APAC Small Parcel: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 14.        APAC Break and Pallet Cargo: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 15.        APAC Oversized Cargo: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 16.        APAC Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market Breakdown, By Technology, 2020 & 2028 (%)

Figure 17.        APAC X-ray systems: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 18.        APAC ETD: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 19.        APAC EDS: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 20.        APAC Others: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 21.        APAC Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market Breakdown, By Application, 2020 & 2028 (%)

Figure 22.        APAC Narcotics Detection: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 23.        APAC Explosive Detection: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 24.        APAC Metal and Contraband Detection: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 25.        APAC Others: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 26.        APAC: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market Revenue Overview, by Country (2020) (US$ Mn)

Figure 27.        APAC: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market Revenue Share, by Key Country (2020 and 2028)

Figure 28.        China: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US $ Million)

Figure 29.        Japan: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US $ Million)

Figure 30.        South Korea: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US $ Million)

Figure 31.        India: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 32.        Indonesia: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 33.        Singapore: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 34.        Malaysia: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 35.        Vietnam: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 36.        Thailand: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 37.        Rest of APAC: Air Cargo Security and Screening Systems Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 38.        Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in APAC Country Markets

  1. Astrophysics Inc.
  2. Dhonaadhi Hitec Innovations
  3. Krystalvision Image Systems Pvt. Ltd.
  4. Nuctech Company Limited
  5. Rapiscan Systems, Inc.
  6. Safeway Inspection System Limited
  7. Safran
  8. Smiths Detection Group Ltd. (Smiths Group plc)
  9. VOTI Detection Inc. 
  • Save and reduce time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the growth, size, leading players, and segments in the APAC air cargo security and screening systems market.      
  • Highlights key business priorities in order to assist companies to realign their business strategies
  • The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the APAC air cargo security and screening systems market, thereby allowing players across the value chain to develop effective long-term strategies
  • Develop/modify business expansion plans by using substantial growth offering developed and emerging markets
  • Scrutinize in-depth APAC market trends and outlook coupled with the factors driving the air cargo security and screening systems market, as well as those hindering it
  • Enhance the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin commercial interest with respect to client products, segmentation, pricing, and distribution  
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