Dimensioni e previsioni del mercato statunitense delle materie plastiche stampate a iniezione (2021-2031), quota regionale, tendenza e opportunità di crescita. Copertura del rapporto di analisi: per materiale (acrilonitrile butadiene stirene, nylon, polietilene, polipropilene, polistirene, policarbonato, poliuretano termoplastico e altri), e uso finale [edilizia residenziale, edilizia non residenziale, energia (petrolio e gas) e attività mineraria, negozi al dettaglio e ristoranti, prodotti petrolchimici e chimici, fornitori di trasporti, mercato post-vendita di veicoli, HVAC, produttori di veicoli, beni di consumo, attrezzature per l\'edilizia e l\'agricoltura, settore militare, Aerospaziale, alimentare e agricolo, sanitario e altri]

BMIRE00030574 | Pages: 111 | Chemicals and Materials | Jun 2024 | Type: Regional | Status: Published
Si prevede che il mercato statunitense delle materie plastiche stampate a iniezione crescerà da 54,77 miliardi di dollari nel 2023 a 77,59 miliardi di dollari entro il 2031. Si prevede che crescerà a un CAGR del 4,5% dal 2023 al 2031.

La plastica stampata viene prodotta mediante processo di stampaggio ad iniezione. Nel mercato statunitense delle materie plastiche stampate a iniezione, la concentrazione degli utenti finali è elevata. Viene utilizzato per la produzione di un\'ampia gamma di prodotti quali imballaggi, beni di consumo, automobili, materiali da costruzione e aerospaziali, tra gli altri. Si prevede che la base di clienti per le materie plastiche stampate a iniezione aumenterà nei prossimi anni. La domanda di materie plastiche stampate a iniezione negli Stati Uniti è in costante aumento a causa della crescita del settore edile e del crescente sviluppo delle infrastrutture. Il settore delle costruzioni contribuisce fortemente all’economia statunitense. Ogni anno a livello nazionale vengono costruite strutture per un valore di 1,4 trilioni di dollari.

Il mercato è testimone di un\'ampia gamma di iniziative di mercato strategiche da parte dei principali attori. I produttori di materie plastiche stampate a iniezione si impegnano in fusioni e acquisizioni, collaborazioni e altri sviluppi strategici per espandere la propria clientela e migliorare la propria posizione sul mercato. Ad esempio, nell\'aprile 2023, Clayens, con sede in Francia, ha acquisito Parkway Products, espandendosi in Nord America con otto sedi negli Stati Uniti, servendo vari settori, tra cui industriale, infrastrutture, agricoltura, aerospaziale, difesa, trasporti e sanità. Le acquisizioni avevano lo scopo di soddisfare la crescente domanda di materie plastiche stampate a iniezione negli Stati Uniti e di espandere la propria portata geografica. Per citare un altro esempio, nel luglio 2021, Revere Plastics Systems ha acquisito Ferguson Production Inc., una società con sede a McPherson, Kansas. Questa acquisizione espande l\'impronta produttiva di Revere nel Nord America da 8 a 9 sedi.

Alcuni operatori del mercato stanno inoltre espandendo le proprie unità produttive per soddisfare la crescente domanda di plastica stampata a iniezione in vari settori di utilizzo finale. Ad esempio, nel febbraio 2024, Mack Moulding, uno dei principali stampatori a iniezione di plastica personalizzati e fornitore di servizi di produzione a contratto, ha ampliato il proprio parco macchine da stampa presso lo stabilimento di Cavendish, aggiungendo una pressa Milacron Electric Roboshot E240 da 240 tonnellate e una pressa ibrida Milacron Q110 da 125 tonnellate. alla sua capacità produttiva totale. L\'obiettivo dell\'espansione era soddisfare la crescente domanda di plastica stampata a iniezione da parte di vari settori di utilizzo finale. Pertanto, si prevede che le iniziative strategiche dei principali attori alimenteranno la crescita del mercato statunitense delle materie plastiche stampate a iniezione durante il periodo di previsione.

In base al materiale, il mercato statunitense della plastica stampata a iniezione è segmentato in acrilonitrile butadiene stirene, nylon, polietilene, polipropilene, polistirene, policarbonato, poliuretano termoplastico e altri. Nel 2023, il segmento del polipropilene deteneva una quota di mercato significativa e si prevede che il segmento dell’acrilonitrile-butadiene-stirene sarà il segmento in più rapida crescita durante il periodo di previsione. La domanda di materiale acrilonitrile butadiene stirene (ABS) nel mercato della plastica stampata a iniezione sta registrando una crescita grazie alle sue proprietà uniche. L\'ABS offre un equilibrio di proprietà uniche, tra cui eccellente resistenza agli urti, rigidità e resistenza al calore, che lo rendono adatto a un\'ampia gamma di applicazioni in settori quali quello automobilistico, elettronico e dei beni di consumo. Inoltre, l’ABS è noto anche per la sua facilità di lavorazione, che consente una produzione efficiente ed economica di parti complesse con design complessi.

Il polietilene (PE) viene sempre più utilizzato per lo sviluppo di materie plastiche stampate a iniezione, grazie alla sua versatilità, prestazioni e sostenibilità. Il polietilene è altamente versatile e offre un\'ampia gamma di qualità con densità e proprietà diverse, adatte a diverse applicazioni quali imballaggio, settore automobilistico, edilizia e sanità. La sua natura leggera, unita all\'eccellente resistenza chimica e durata, lo rendono la scelta preferita per materiali di imballaggio, componenti automobilistici e prodotti di consumo. Il polipropilene offre una combinazione unica di proprietà, tra cui eccellente resistenza chimica, rigidità e stabilità termica, che lo rendono adatto a una vasta gamma di applicazioni che spaziano dai settori automobilistico, degli imballaggi, degli elettrodomestici e sanitario. La sua natura leggera e la capacità di resistere alle alte temperature lo rendono la scelta ideale per componenti che richiedono durata e affidabilità.

Wilbert Plastic Services Inc, Rodon Ltd, Texas Injection Moulding LLC, Nicolet Plastics LLC, Britech Industries, Ironwood Plastics Inc, Jones Plastic & Engineering LLC, Hi-Tech Mould and Tool Inc, Valencia Plastics Inc, Abtec Inc , Mack Group Inc, Bemis Contract Group, Revere Plastics Systems LLC, Parkway Products LLC, Thomson Plastics Inc e Baxter Enterprises LLC, sono tra i principali attori nel mercato statunitense delle materie plastiche stampate a iniezione. Queste aziende stanno adottando fusioni e acquisizioni e lanci di prodotti per espandere la propria presenza geografica e le basi di consumatori.

La dimensione complessiva del mercato statunitense delle materie plastiche stampate a iniezione è stata ricavata utilizzando fonti sia primarie che secondarie. Per iniziare il processo di ricerca, è stata condotta un\'approfondita ricerca secondaria utilizzando fonti interne ed esterne per ottenere informazioni qualitative e quantitative relative al mercato. Inoltre, sono state condotte numerose interviste primarie con i partecipanti del settore per convalidare i dati e ottenere approfondimenti più analitici. Tra i partecipanti a questo processo figurano esperti del settore come vicepresidenti, responsabili dello sviluppo aziendale, responsabili della market intelligence e responsabili delle vendite nazionali, insieme a consulenti esterni, tra cui esperti di valutazione, analisti di ricerca e opinion leader chiave, specializzati nel mercato statunitense delle materie plastiche stampate a iniezione.


1. Introduction

1.1 The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance

1.2 Market Segmentation

2. Executive Summary

2.1 Key Insights

3. Research Methodology

3.1 Secondary Research

3.2 Primary Research

3.2.1 Hypothesis formulation:

3.2.2 Macro-economic factor analysis:

3.2.3 Developing base number:

3.2.4 Data Triangulation:

3.2.5 Country level data:

4. US Injection Molded Plastics Market Landscape

4.1 Overview

4.2 Porter's Five Forces Analysis

4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers

4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers

4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants

4.2.4 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry

4.2.5 Threat of Substitutes

4.3 Ecosystem Analysis

4.3.1 Raw Material Suppliers

4.3.2 Manufacturers

4.3.3 Distributors/Suppliers

4.3.4 End Users

4.3.5 List of Vendors in the Value Chain

5. US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Key Market Dynamics

5.1 US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Key Market Dynamics

5.2 Market Drivers

5.2.1 Growing Demand from Automotive and Transportation Industry

5.2.2 Rising Demand from Packaging Industry

5.3 Market Restraints

5.3.1 Fluctuation in Raw Material Prices

5.4 Market Opportunities

5.4.1 Strategic Initiatives by Key Players

5.5 Future Trends

5.5.1 Increasing Adoption of Recycled Plastics

5.6 Impact of Drivers and Restraints:

6. US Injection Molded Plastics Market Analysis

6.1 US Injection Molded Plastics Market Volume (Million Tons), 2023-2031

6.2 US Injection Molded Plastics Market Forecast and Analysis

6.3 US Injection Molded Plastics Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2023-2031

6.4 US Injection Molded Plastics Market Forecast and Analysis

7. US Injection Molded Plastics Market Analysis - by Material

7.1 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene

7.1.1 Overview

7.1.2 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Million Tons)

7.1.3 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

7.2 Nylon

7.2.1 Overview

7.2.2 Nylon: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Million Tons)

7.2.3 Nylon: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

7.3 Polyethylene

7.3.1 Overview

7.3.2 Polyethylene: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Million Tons)

7.3.3 Polyethylene: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

7.4 Polypropylene

7.4.1 Overview

7.4.2 Polypropylene: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Million Tons)

7.4.3 Polypropylene: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

7.5 Polystyrene

7.5.1 Overview

7.5.2 Polystyrene: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Million Tons)

7.5.3 Polystyrene: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

7.6 Polycarbonate

7.6.1 Overview

7.6.2 Polycarbonate: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Million Tons)

7.6.3 Polycarbonate: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

7.7 Thermoplastic Polyurethane

7.7.1 Overview

7.7.2 Thermoplastic Polyurethane: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Million Tons)

7.7.3 Thermoplastic Polyurethane: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

7.8 Others

7.8.1 Overview

7.8.2 Others: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Million Tons)

7.8.3 Others: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8. US Injection Molded Plastics Market Analysis - by End Use

8.1 Residential Construction

8.1.1 Overview

8.1.2 Residential Construction: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8.2 Non-Residential Construction

8.2.1 Overview

8.2.2 Non-Residential Construction: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8.3 Energy (Oil and Gas) and Mining

8.3.1 Overview

8.3.2 Energy (Oil and Gas) and Mining: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8.4 Retail Stores and Restaurants

8.4.1 Overview

8.4.2 Retail Stores and Restaurants: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8.5 Petrochemical and Chemical

8.5.1 Overview

8.5.2 Petrochemical and Chemical: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8.6 Transportation Providers

8.6.1 Overview

8.6.2 Transportation Providers: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8.7 Vehicle Aftermarket

8.7.1 Overview

8.7.2 Vehicle Aftermarket: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8.8 HVAC

8.8.1 Overview

8.8.2 HVAC: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8.9 Vehicle Manufacturers

8.9.1 Overview

8.9.2 Vehicle Manufacturers: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8.10 Consumer

8.10.1 Overview

8.10.2 Consumer: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8.11 Construction and Agricultural Equipment

8.11.1 Overview

8.11.2 Construction and Agricultural Equipment: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8.12 Military

8.12.1 Overview

8.12.2 Military: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8.13 Aerospace

8.13.1 Overview

8.13.2 Aerospace: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8.14 Food and Agriculture

8.14.1 Overview

8.14.2 Food and Agriculture: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8.15 Healthcare

8.15.1 Overview

8.15.2 Healthcare: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8.16 Others

8.16.1 Overview

8.16.2 Others: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

9. US Injection Molded Plastics Market Analysis - by Region

9.1 Northeast

9.1.1 Northeast: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

9.2 Southeast

9.2.1 Southeast: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

9.3 Midwest

9.3.1 Midwest: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

9.4 Southwest

9.4.1 Southwest: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

9.5 West

9.5.1 West: US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

10. Competitive Landscape

10.1 Heat Map Analysis by Key Players

10.2 Company Positioning & Concentration

11. Industry Landscape

11.1 Overview

11.2 Mergers And Acquisitions

11.3 Agreements, Collaborations, And Joint Ventures

11.4 Product Launch

11.5 Expansions And Other Strategic Developments

12. Company Profiles

12.1 Wilbert Plastic Services Inc

12.1.1 Key Facts

12.1.2 Business Description

12.1.3 Products and Services

12.1.4 Financial Overview

12.1.5 SWOT Analysis

12.1.6 Key Developments

12.2 Rodon Ltd

12.2.1 Key Facts

12.2.2 Business Description

12.2.3 Products and Services

12.2.4 Financial Overview

12.2.5 SWOT Analysis

12.2.6 Key Developments

12.3 Texas Injection Molding LLC

12.3.1 Key Facts

12.3.2 Business Description

12.3.3 Products and Services

12.3.4 Financial Overview

12.3.5 SWOT Analysis

12.3.6 Key Developments

12.4 Nicolet Plastics LLC

12.4.1 Key Facts

12.4.2 Business Description

12.4.3 Products and Services

12.4.4 Financial Overview

12.4.5 SWOT Analysis

12.4.6 Key Developments

12.5 Britech Industries

12.5.1 Key Facts

12.5.2 Business Description

12.5.3 Products and Services

12.5.4 Financial Overview

12.5.5 SWOT Analysis

12.5.6 Key Developments

12.6 Ironwood Plastics Inc

12.6.1 Key Facts

12.6.2 Business Description

12.6.3 Products and Services

12.6.4 Financial Overview

12.6.5 SWOT Analysis

12.6.6 Key Developments

12.7 Jones Plastic & Engineering LLC

12.7.1 Key Facts

12.7.2 Business Description

12.7.3 Products and Services

12.7.4 Financial Overview

12.7.5 SWOT Analysis

12.7.6 Key Developments

12.8 Hi-Tech Mold and Tool Inc

12.8.1 Key Facts

12.8.2 Business Description

12.8.3 Products and Services

12.8.4 Financial Overview

12.8.5 SWOT Analysis

12.8.6 Key Developments

12.9 Valencia Plastics Inc

12.9.1 Key Facts

12.9.2 Business Description

12.9.3 Products and Services

12.9.4 Financial Overview

12.9.5 SWOT Analysis

12.9.6 Key Developments

12.10 Abtec Inc

12.10.1 Key Facts

12.10.2 Business Description

12.10.3 Products and Services

12.10.4 Financial Overview

12.10.5 SWOT Analysis

12.10.6 Key Developments

12.11 Mack Group Inc

12.11.1 Key Facts

12.11.2 Business Description

12.11.3 Products and Services

12.11.4 Financial Overview

12.11.5 SWOT Analysis

12.11.6 Key Developments

12.12 Bemis Contract Group

12.12.1 Key Facts

12.12.2 Business Description

12.12.3 Products and Services

12.12.4 Financial Overview

12.12.5 SWOT Analysis

12.12.6 Key Developments

12.13 Revere Plastics Systems LLC

12.13.1 Key Facts

12.13.2 Business Description

12.13.3 Products and Services

12.13.4 Financial Overview

12.13.5 SWOT Analysis

12.13.6 Key Developments

12.14 Parkway Products LLC

12.14.1 Key Facts

12.14.2 Business Description

12.14.3 Products and Services

12.14.4 Financial Overview

12.14.5 SWOT Analysis

12.14.6 Key Developments

12.15 Thomson Plastics Inc

12.15.1 Key Facts

12.15.2 Business Description

12.15.3 Products and Services

12.15.4 Financial Overview

12.15.5 SWOT Analysis

12.15.6 Key Developments

12.16 Baxter Enterprises LLC

12.16.1 Key Facts

12.16.2 Business Description

12.16.3 Products and Services

12.16.4 Financial Overview

12.16.5 SWOT Analysis

12.16.6 Key Developments

13. Appendix

13.1 About The Insight Partners




Table 1. US Injection Molded Plastics Market Segmentation

Table 2. List of Vendors in Value Chain:

Table 3. US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Million Tons)

Table 4. US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Table 5. US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Million Tons) - by Material

Table 6. US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) - by Material

Table 7. US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Million Tons) - by End Use

Table 8. Heat Map Analysis by Key Players




Figure 1. US Injection Molded Plastics Market Segmentation, by Region

Figure 2. US Injection Molded Plastics Market - Porter's Analysis

Figure 3. Ecosystem Analysis: US Injection Molded Plastics Market

Figure 4. Crude Oil Prices in Accordance with Various Geopolitical and Economic Events (2000-2023)

Figure 5. Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints

Figure 6. US Injection Molded Plastics Market Revenue (Million Tons), 2023-2031

Figure 7. US Injection Molded Plastics Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2023-2031

Figure 8. US Injection Molded Plastics Market Share (%) - by Material, 2023 and 2031

Figure 9. Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Million Tons)

Figure 10. Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 11. Nylon: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Million Tons)

Figure 12. Nylon: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 13. Polyethylene: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Million Tons)

Figure 14. Polyethylene: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 15. Polypropylene: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Million Tons)

Figure 16. Polypropylene: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 17. Polystyrene: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Million Tons)

Figure 18. Polystyrene: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 19. Polycarbonate: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Million Tons)

Figure 20. Polycarbonate: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 21. Thermoplastic Polyurethane: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Million Tons)

Figure 22. Thermoplastic Polyurethane: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 23. Others: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Million Tons)

Figure 24. Others: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 25. US Injection Molded Plastics Market Share (%) - by End Use, 2023 and 2031

Figure 26. Residential Construction: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 27. Non-Residential Construction: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 28. Energy (Oil and Gas) and Mining: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 29. Retail Stores and Restaurants: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 30. Petrochemical and Chemical: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 31. Transportation Providers: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 32. Vehicle Aftermarket: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 33. HVAC: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 34. Vehicle Manufacturers: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 35. Consumer: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 36. Construction and Agricultural Equipment: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 37. Military: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 38. Aerospace: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 39. Food and Agriculture: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 40. Healthcare: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 41. Others: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 42. US Injection Molded Plastics Market Share (%) - by Region, 2023 and 2031

Figure 43. Northeast: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 44. Southeast: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 45. Midwest: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 46. Southwest: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 47. West: US Injection Molded Plastics Market- Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 48. Company Positioning & Concentration

  • Rodon Ltd 
  • Texas Injection Molding LLC 
  • Ironwood Plastics Inc 
  • Jones Plastic & Engineering LLC 
  • Hi-Tech Mold and Tool Inc 
  • Valencia Plastics Inc 
  • Abtec Inc 
  • Mack Group Inc 
  • Revere Plastics Systems LLC 
  • Thomson Plastics Inc
  • Progressive industry trends in the US injection molded plastics market to help players develop effective long-term strategies
  • Business growth strategies adopted by developed and developing markets
  • Quantitative analysis of the injection molded plastics market from 2021 to 2031
  • Estimation of the demand for injection molded plastics across various industries
  • Porter's Five Forces analysis to illustrate the efficacy of buyers and suppliers operating in the industry to predict the market growth
  • Recent developments to understand the competitive market scenario and the demand for injection molded plastics across the US
  • Market trends and outlook coupled with factors driving and restraining the growth of the injection molded plastics market
  • Decision-making process by understanding strategies that underpin commercial interest concerning the US injection molded plastics market growth
  • The US injection molded plastics market size at various nodes of market
  • Detailed overview and segmentation of the injection molded plastics market as well as its dynamics in the industry
  • The injection molded plastics market size in different regions with promising growth opportunities
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