Previsioni di mercato dei sistemi di somministrazione transdermica di farmaci per Medio Oriente e Africa fino al 2030 - Analisi regionale - per tipo (cerotti transdermici, gel transdermico, spray transdermici e altri), applicazione (malattie cardiovascolari, disturbi del sistema nervoso centrale, gestione del dolore, applicazioni ormonali e altro) applicazioni) e canale di distribuzione (farmacie ospedaliere, farmacie al dettaglio, farmacie online e altri)

BMIRE00030133 | Pages: 100 | Medical Device | May 2024 | Type: Regional | Status: Published
Si prevede che il mercato dei sistemi di somministrazione transdermica di farmaci in Medio Oriente e Africa crescerà da 1.147,56 milioni di dollari nel 2022 a 1.525,09 milioni di dollari entro il 2030. Si stima che registrerà un CAGR del 3,6% dal 2022 al 2030. Le malattie croniche rafforzano il mercato dei sistemi di somministrazione transdermica di farmaci in Medio Oriente e Africa

Le malattie cardiovascolari (CVD) come l\'angina, l\'aterosclerosi, il pectoris e l\'infarto miocardico acuto sono tra le cause più comuni di mortalità nel mondo. Secondo l’OMS, le malattie cardiovascolari sono la principale causa di circa 17,9 milioni di decessi ogni anno nel mondo. Molti farmaci sono disponibili in commercio per il trattamento delle malattie cardiovascolari, ma le capsule e le compresse convenzionali non sono in grado di controllare efficacemente la malattia. Ciò sottolinea la necessità di nuovi sistemi di somministrazione dei farmaci che forniscano una biodisponibilità prolungata del farmaco e una somministrazione mirata del farmaco alle aree colpite del sistema cardiovascolare. I sistemi di somministrazione transdermica dei farmaci offrono molti vantaggi rispetto ai normali farmaci somministrati per via orale per il trattamento delle malattie cardiovascolari. I cerotti transdermici, che racchiudono le particelle del farmaco, vengono applicati sulla superficie della pelle. Un cerotto cardiaco fornisce un\'eccellente piattaforma per il miglioramento dell\'attecchimento cellulare. Ad esempio, un cerotto cardiaco vascolarizzato sviluppato di recente mostra un potenziale promettente per il trattamento delle lesioni cardiache ischemiche. I cerotti transdermici alla nitroglicerina sono utilizzati per prevenire episodi di angina (dolore toracico) nelle persone con malattia coronarica. Funzionano rilassando i vasi sanguigni e riducendo lo stress sul cuore, riducendo così il bisogno di ossigeno. Tuttavia, questi cerotti non possono essere utilizzati per trattare gli attacchi di angina già iniziati.

Il cerotto Rivastigmina è usato per trattare la demenza (perdita di memoria) associata al morbo di Alzheimer lieve, moderato o grave o alla demenza da lieve a moderata associata al morbo di Parkinson. Rivastigmina e donepezil sono inibitori della colinesterasi che mostrano una relazione dose-risposta, con dosi più elevate dei farmaci che dimostrano una maggiore efficacia. È una molecola piccola, lipofila e idrofila che è chimicamente adatta per la somministrazione transdermica.

Il diabete è una malattia cronica pericolosa per la vita che non dispone di cure specializzate. Entrambi i tipi di diabete possono portare a diversi problemi in diverse parti del corpo e aumentare il rischio complessivo di morte prematura. Secondo i rapporti della decima edizione del Diabetes Atlas della International Diabetes Federation (IDF), nel 2021, a livello globale 537 milioni di adulti (20-79 anni) erano diabetici e il numero raggiungerà probabilmente i 643 milioni entro il 2030 e i 783 milioni entro il 2045. viene solitamente somministrato per via sottocutanea per la gestione del diabete. Tuttavia, la recente attenzione è rivolta a un cerotto intelligente che eroga insulina quando necessario, semplificando l’assunzione di insulina e attivando un’azione mirata.

Pertanto, la crescente incidenza di malattie croniche come le malattie cardiovascolari, il morbo di Alzheimer e il diabete rafforzano la crescita del mercato dei sistemi di somministrazione transdermica di farmaci.

Panoramica del mercato dei sistemi di somministrazione transdermica di farmaci in Medio Oriente e Africa

Il mercato dei sistemi di somministrazione transdermica di farmaci nella MEA è segmentato in Emirati Arabi Uniti, Arabia Saudita, Sud Africa e resto del MEA. Si prevede che la crescita del mercato aumenterà a causa dell’elevata prevalenza di malattie croniche, dell’aumento della spesa sanitaria e dell’aumento delle attività di ricerca e sviluppo in tutta la regione. Inoltre, la crescente domanda di dispositivi medici tecnologicamente avanzati aiuta a stimolare la crescita del mercato durante il periodo di previsione. Secondo uno studio \"Malattie non trasmissibili e risposte del sistema sanitario in Arabia Saudita: focus su politiche e strategie. Uno studio qualitativo\", pubblicato da Health Research Policy and Systems nel 2022, le malattie non trasmissibili (NCD), in particolare il diabete, le malattie cardiovascolari e altre malattie croniche malattie, sono responsabili di un aumento delle malattie e del peso economico in Arabia Saudita. Secondo le statistiche del Ministero della Sanità saudita, le malattie cardiovascolari rappresentano il 37% di tutti i decessi in Arabia Saudita. Secondo il Fondo delle Nazioni Unite per la popolazione (UNFPA), si prevede che l’Arabia Saudita vedrà un aumento di cinque volte della popolazione che invecchia, passando da 2 milioni (5,9%) nel 2020 a 10,5 milioni entro il 2050 (23,7%). La popolazione geriatrica è soggetta a condizioni di salute come malattie cardiovascolari, infezioni polmonari e diabete. Secondo i dati Global Burden of Disease pubblicati nel 2020, l’Arabia Saudita ha un’elevata prevalenza di malattie non trasmissibili come ictus, malattie cardiache, malattie renali, BPCO e diabete. Inoltre, tra il 2009 e il 2019, i decessi legati al diabete sono aumentati del 79% circa, delle malattie renali croniche del 41,2% e dell’ictus del 27,6%. Pertanto, l’elevata prevalenza delle malattie menzionate alimenta la domanda di sistemi di somministrazione transdermica di farmaci, stimolando così il mercato crescita.

L\'Arabia Saudita ha collaborato con gli istituti accademici e di ricerca del Regno Unito nel 2019 per un\'iniziativa da 1,6 miliardi di dollari per migliorare le capacità di ricerca e sviluppo nazionali del Regno. In Arabia Saudita, a causa della crescente domanda di servizi sanitari, le crescenti iniziative del governo favoriscono una maggiore partecipazione del settore privato alla loro espansione. Pertanto, la crescente prevalenza di malattie cardiovascolari nella popolazione e l’aumento della spesa sanitaria in Arabia Saudita svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nella crescita del mercato dei sistemi di somministrazione transdermica di farmaci.

Previsioni e entrate del mercato dei sistemi di somministrazione transdermica di farmaci per Medio Oriente e Africa fino al 2030 (milioni di dollari)

Segmentazione del mercato di sistemi di somministrazione transdermica di farmaci per Medio Oriente e Africa

Il mercato dei sistemi di somministrazione transdermica di farmaci per Medio Oriente e Africa è segmentato in tipologia, applicazione, canale di distribuzione e paese.

In base alla tipologia, il mercato dei sistemi di somministrazione di farmaci transdermici per Medio Oriente e Africa è segmentato in cerotti transdermici, gel transdermico, spray transdermici e altri. Il segmento del gel transdermico deteneva la quota maggiore del mercato dei sistemi di somministrazione transdermica di farmaci in Medio Oriente e Africa nel 2022. I cerotti transdermici sono ulteriormente suddivisi in cerotti farmaco-in-adesivi, cerotti a matrice, cerotti con membrana del serbatoio e cerotti con vapore.

In termini di applicazione, il mercato dei sistemi di somministrazione transdermica di farmaci in Medio Oriente e Africa è classificato in malattie cardiovascolari, disturbi del sistema nervoso centrale, gestione del dolore, applicazioni ormonali e altre applicazioni. Il segmento della gestione del dolore deteneva la quota maggiore del mercato dei sistemi di somministrazione di farmaci transdermici in Medio Oriente e Africa nel 2022. La gestione del dolore è ulteriormente suddivisa in oppioidi e non oppioidi. Le applicazioni ormonali sono ulteriormente suddivise in terapia transdermica con estrogeni e progesterone e sostituzione del testosterone.

Per canale di distribuzione, il mercato dei sistemi di somministrazione di farmaci transdermici in Medio Oriente e Africa è segmentato in farmacie ospedaliere, farmacie al dettaglio, farmacie online e altri. Il segmento delle farmacie ospedaliere deteneva la quota maggiore del mercato dei sistemi di somministrazione di farmaci transdermici in Medio Oriente e Africa nel 2022.

In base al paese, il mercato dei sistemi di somministrazione di farmaci transdermici in Medio Oriente e Africa è classificato in Emirati Arabi Uniti, Arabia Saudita, Sud Africa e il resto del Medio Oriente e dell\'Africa. L\'Arabia Saudita ha dominato il mercato dei sistemi di somministrazione transdermica di farmaci in Medio Oriente e Africa nel 2022.

Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, GSK Plc, Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co Inc, Johnson & Johnson, Novartis AG e Viatris Inc sono alcune delle aziende leader che operano in il mercato dei sistemi di somministrazione transdermica di farmaci in Medio Oriente e Africa.

Table of Content


1. Introduction

1.1 The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance

1.2 Market Segmentation

2. Executive Summary

2.1 Key Insights

3. Research Methodology

3.1 Coverage

3.2 Secondary Research

3.3 Primary Research

4. Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Key Industry Dynamics

4.1 Market Drivers

4.1.1 Increasing Prevalence of Chronic Diseases

4.1.2 Growing Demand for Noninvasive Drug Delivery Devices

4.1.3 High Demand for Self-Administration of Drugs

4.2 Market Restraints

4.2.1 Adverse Effects and Recall of Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems

4.3 Market Opportunities

4.3.1 Advancements in Smart Patches and 3D-Printed Patches

4.4 Future Trends

4.4.1 Strategic Initiatives by Manufacturers

4.5 Impact Analysis

5. Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Middle East & Africa Market Analysis

5.1 Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market Revenue (US$ Mn), 2022 - 2030

6. Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 - by Type

6.1 Overview

6.2 Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market Revenue Share, by Type 2022 & 2030 (%)

6.3 Transdermal Patches

6.3.1 Overview

6.3.2 Transdermal Patches: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) Drug-in-Adhesive Patches Overview Drug-in-Adhesive Patches: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) Matrix Patches Overview Matrix Patches: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) Reservoir Membrane Patches Overview Reservoir Membrane Patches: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) Vapor Patches Overview Vapor Patches: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

6.4 Transdermal Gels

6.4.1 Overview

6.4.2 Transdermal Gels: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

6.5 Transdermal Sprays

6.5.1 Overview

6.5.2 Transdermal Sprays: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

6.6 Others

6.6.1 Overview

6.6.2 Others: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

7. Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 - by Application

7.1 Overview

7.2 Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market Revenue Share, by Application 2022 & 2030 (%)

7.3 Cardiovascular Diseases

7.3.1 Overview

7.3.2 Cardiovascular Diseases: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

7.4 Central Nervous System Disorders

7.4.1 Overview

7.4.2 Central Nervous System Disorders: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

7.5 Pain Management

7.5.1 Overview

7.5.2 Pain Management: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) Opioid Overview Opioid: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) Non-Opioid Overview Non-Opioid: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

7.6 Hormonal Applications

7.6.1 Overview

7.6.2 Hormonal Applications: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) Transdermal Estrogen & Progesterone Therapy Overview Transdermal Estrogen & Progesterone Therapy: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) Testosterone Replacement Overview Testosterone Replacement: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

7.7 Other Application

7.7.1 Overview

7.7.2 Other Application: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

8. Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 - by Distribution Channel

8.1 Overview

8.2 Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market Revenue Share, by Distribution Channel 2022 & 2030 (%)

8.3 Hospital Pharmacies

8.3.1 Overview

8.3.2 Hospital Pharmacies: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

8.4 Retail Pharmacies

8.4.1 Overview

8.4.2 Retail Pharmacies: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

8.5 Online Pharmacies

8.5.1 Overview

8.5.2 Online Pharmacies: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

8.6 Others

8.6.1 Overview

8.6.2 Others: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

9. Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 - Country Analysis

9.1 Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market

9.1.1 Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Country South Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) Overview South Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) South Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Type, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) South Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Transdermal Patches by Type, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) South Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Application, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) South Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Pain Management by Application, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) South Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Hormonal Applications by Application, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) South Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Distribution Channel, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) Saudi Arabia: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) Overview Saudi Arabia: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) Saudi Arabia: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Type, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) Saudi Arabia: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Transdermal Patches by Type, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) Saudi Arabia: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Application, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) Saudi Arabia: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Pain Management by Application, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) Saudi Arabia: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Hormonal Applications by Application, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) Saudi Arabia: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Distribution Channel, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) UAE: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) Overview UAE: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) UAE: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Type, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) UAE: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Transdermal Patches by Type, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) UAE: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Application, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) UAE: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Pain Management by Application, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) UAE: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Hormonal Applications by Application, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) UAE: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Distribution Channel, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) Rest of Middle East & Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) Overview Rest of Middle East & Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) Rest of Middle East & Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Type, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) Rest of Middle East & Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Transdermal Patches by Type, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) Rest of Middle East & Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Application, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) Rest of Middle East & Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Pain Management by Application, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) Rest of Middle East & Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Hormonal Applications by Application, 2020-2030 (US$ Million) Rest of Middle East & Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Distribution Channel, 2020-2030 (US$ Million)

10. Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market Industry Landscape

10.1 Overview

10.2 Growth Strategies in the Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market

10.3 Inorganic Growth Strategies

10.3.1 Overview

10.4 Organic Growth Strategies

10.4.1 Overview

11. Company Profiles

11.1 Novartis AG

11.1.1 Key Facts

11.1.2 Business Description

11.1.3 Products and Services

11.1.4 Financial Overview

11.1.5 SWOT Analysis

11.1.6 Key Developments

11.2 Johnson & Johnson

11.2.1 Key Facts

11.2.2 Business Description

11.2.3 Products and Services

11.2.4 Financial Overview

11.2.5 SWOT Analysis

11.2.6 Key Developments

11.3 GSK Plc

11.3.1 Key Facts

11.3.2 Business Description

11.3.3 Products and Services

11.3.4 Financial Overview

11.3.5 SWOT Analysis

11.3.6 Key Developments

11.4 Viatris Inc

11.4.1 Key Facts

11.4.2 Business Description

11.4.3 Products and Services

11.4.4 Financial Overview

11.4.5 SWOT Analysis

11.4.6 Key Developments

11.5 Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH

11.5.1 Key Facts

11.5.2 Business Description

11.5.3 Products and Services

11.5.4 Financial Overview

11.5.5 SWOT Analysis

11.5.6 Key Developments

11.6 Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co Inc

11.6.1 Key Facts

11.6.2 Business Description

11.6.3 Products and Services

11.6.4 Financial Overview

11.6.5 SWOT Analysis

11.6.6 Key Developments

12. Appendix

12.1 About Us

12.2 Glossary of Terms




List of Tables

Table 1. Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market Segmentation

Table 2. South Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Type - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 3. South Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Transdermal Patches by Type - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 4. South Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Application - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 5. South Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Pain Management by Application - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 6. South Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Hormonal Applications by Application - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 7. South Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Distribution Channel - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 8. Saudi Arabia: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Type - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 9. Saudi Arabia: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Transdermal Patches by Type - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 10. Saudi Arabia: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Application - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 11. Saudi Arabia: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Pain Management by Application - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 12. Saudi Arabia: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Hormonal Applications by Application - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 13. Saudi Arabia: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Distribution Channel - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 14. UAE: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Type - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 15. UAE: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Transdermal Patches by Type - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 16. UAE: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Application - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 17. UAE: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Pain Management by Application - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 18. UAE: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Hormonal Applications by Application - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 19. UAE: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Distribution Channel - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 20. Rest of Middle East & Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Type - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 21. Rest of Middle East & Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Transdermal Patches by Type - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 22. Rest of Middle East & Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Application - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 23. Rest of Middle East & Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Pain Management by Application - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 24. Rest of Middle East & Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, For Hormonal Applications by Application - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 25. Rest of Middle East & Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Distribution Channel - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 26. Recent Inorganic Growth Strategies in the Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market

Table 27. Recent Organic Growth Strategies in the Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market

Table 28. Glossary of Terms, Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market


List of Figures

Figure 1. Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market Segmentation, By Country

Figure 2. Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market: Key Industry Dynamics

Figure 3. Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market: Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints

Figure 4. Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market Revenue (US$ Mn), 2020 - 2030

Figure 5. Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market Revenue Share, by Type 2022 & 2030 (%)

Figure 6. Transdermal Patches: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 7. Drug-in-Adhesive Patches: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 8. Matrix Patches: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 9. Reservoir Membrane Patches: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 10. Vapor Patches: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 11. Transdermal Gels: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 12. Transdermal Sprays: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 13. Others: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 14. Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market Revenue Share, by Application 2022 & 2030 (%)

Figure 15. Cardiovascular Diseases: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 16. Central Nervous System Disorders: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 17. Pain Management: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 18. Opioid: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 19. Non-Opioid: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 20. Hormonal Applications: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 21. Transdermal Estrogen & Progesterone Therapy: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 22. Testosterone Replacement: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 23. Other Application: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 24. Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market Revenue Share, by Distribution Channel 2022 & 2030 (%)

Figure 25. Hospital Pharmacies: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 26. Retail Pharmacies: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 27. Online Pharmacies: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 28. Others: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 29. Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Key Country - Revenue (2022) (US$ Million)

Figure 30. Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, by Country, 2022 & 2030 (%)

Figure 31. South Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 32. Saudi Arabia: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 33. UAE: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 34. Rest of Middle East & Africa: Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 35. Growth Strategies in the Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market

1. Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH


2. GSK Plc

3. Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co Inc

4. Johnson & Johnson

5. Novartis AG

6. Viatris Inc

  • Save and reduce time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the growth, size, leading players, and segments in the Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market.
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  • The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the Middle East & Africa Transdermal Drug Delivery System Market, thereby allowing players across the value chain to develop effective long-term strategies.
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  • Scrutinize in-depth Middle East & Africa market trends and outlook coupled with the factors driving the market, as well as those hindering it.
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