Previsioni del mercato degli alimentatori militari per Europa, Asia Pacifico e Stati Uniti fino al 2028: impatto del COVID-19 e analisi regionale per tipo (programmabile e non programmabile), sistema (alimentatore discreto e alimentatore integrato), potenza nominale (da 50 W a 300 W, da 301 W a 500 W, da 501 W a 1.000 W, da 1.001 W a 3.000 W e oltre), uso finale (antenna, terra e acqua) e per offerta (convertitore CA-CC, convertitore CC-CC e UPS)

TIPRE00026064 | Pages: 211 | Electronics and Semiconductor | Nov 2021 | Type: Regional | Status: Published

Si prevede che il mercato delle forniture di energia militare in Europa, Asia Pacifico e Stati Uniti crescerà da 6.806,26 milioni di dollari nel 2021 a 9.543,10 milioni di dollari entro il 2028; si stima che crescerà a un CAGR del 4,9% nel periodo 2021-2028.


La crescente domanda di migliori comunicazioni militari tra diversi paesi sta favorendo la crescita della potenza militare mercato delle forniture. Ciò può essere attribuito al crescente dispiegamento di veicoli militari, che genera una maggiore domanda di apparecchiature di alimentazione per varie operazioni militari. Inoltre, si prevede che l\'aumento della spesa per la costruzione di basi e strutture militari (caserme, uffici, hangar, piste di addestramento, campi di addestramento, poligoni di prova, ecc.) aumenterà la domanda di alimentatori militari in diverse regioni.

L\'aumento della spesa per l\'elettronica per la difesa in diversi paesi è un altro fattore importante nell\'aumento della domanda di sistemi energetici. La maggior parte delle forze di difesa acquisisce veicoli militari specializzati come carri armati, auto blindate, veicoli per trasporto truppe, veicoli anfibi, veicoli per la difesa aerea, artiglieria semovente e treni blindati. Lo spiegamento di questi veicoli militari specializzati richiede moduli di alimentazione. Questi veicoli necessitano di comunicazioni e altre apparecchiature per le comunicazioni remote con le rispettive basi o truppe, in cui il sistema di alimentazione gioca un ruolo significativo. Nel settembre 2021, LIG Nex1, \"un appaltatore della difesa coinvolto nello sviluppo di sistemi di guida radar e missilistici\", si è assicurata un contratto militare per la produzione di terminali di comunicazione per un sistema di comunicazione satellitare militare collegato ad ANASIS-II, un satellite per comunicazioni militari lanciato a luglio 2020 a bordo di un razzo prodotto dall\'azienda spaziale commerciale statunitense SpaceX.


Impatto di Pandemia di COVID-19 sul mercato dell\'Europa, dell\'Asia Pacifico e degli alimentatori militari degli Stati Uniti

Il Dipartimento della Difesa degli Stati Uniti (DoD) ha svolto un ruolo centrale nello sviluppo di vaccini attraverso l\'operazione Warp Speed , e l\'amministrazione presidenziale ha chiarito che il Dipartimento della Difesa svolgerà un ruolo importante, anche se di supporto, nell\'ottenere \"colpi di armi\". Durante la pandemia, il Dipartimento della Difesa ha svolto un ruolo di supporto dispiegando personale medico per potenziare gli ospedali civili, mobilitando il personale della guardia nazionale per fornire supporto logistico e fornendo capacità di contrattazione rapida per attingere all’economia civile. Il dipartimento ha resistito bene alla pandemia dopo alcuni passi falsi iniziali, con tassi di infezione inferiori a quelli degli Stati Uniti nel loro complesso e tassi di mortalità molto più bassi. Le forze militari hanno capito come addestrarsi, schierarsi e operare durante una pandemia.

Il personale militare aveva un tasso di infezione inferiore di circa il 15% a quello degli Stati Uniti. Il tasso di infezione per tutto il personale del Dipartimento della Difesa (compresi militari, dipendenti e appaltatori) è inferiore di circa il 40% rispetto ai casi cumulativi dall’inizio della pandemia. In risposta a queste prime battute d’arresto, i servizi militari cancellarono le esercitazioni e bloccarono lo spiegamento di unità, il trasferimento di personale e l’ingresso di nuove reclute nell’addestramento di base (quelli già in addestramento continuarono). Tuttavia, questa non era una situazione sostenibile.


Regioni redditizie per il potere militare Fornitori di forniture

< strong>Approfondimenti sul mercato degli alimentatori militari in Europa, Asia Pacifico e USA

L\'aumento della domanda di sistemi di guerra elettronica alimenta la crescita dell\'Europa, Asia Pacifico e mercato dell\'alimentazione militare degli Stati Uniti

La crescente enfasi sul rafforzamento delle forze militari sta generando la domanda di adozione di tecnologie di guerra elettronica. I governi dei diversi paesi stanziano budget per la difesa separati per ciascun anno fiscale in tutto il mondo. Nell\'ambito dei budget per la difesa assegnati, le autorità di difesa decidono il piano di spesa in più settori, inclusa l\'elettronica per la difesa. Ad esempio, il budget del Dipartimento della Difesa degli Stati Uniti (DoD) per il 2021 comprende 3,17 miliardi di dollari per 45 diversi programmi di guerra elettronica tra i dipartimenti del servizio militare e varie piattaforme negli Stati Uniti. Pertanto, l’aumento dei budget per la difesa in diversi paesi sta stimolando gli investimenti nelle tecnologie elettroniche per la difesa, che è un fattore importante che stimola l’adozione di sistemi di guerra elettronica in tutto il mondo. Inoltre, si prevede che l’integrazione dei prodotti della tecnologia dell’informazione commerciale (IT) con le tecnologie legacy di guerra elettronica (EW) aumenterà durante l’anno fiscale 2021. Si stima che il mercato statunitense della guerra elettronica raggiungerà i 3,6 miliardi di dollari entro il 2025 dai 3,17 miliardi di dollari del 2020. 2021.


Approfondimenti di mercato basati sul tipo

In base al tipo, l\'Europa , Asia Pacifico e mercato degli alimentatori militari statunitensi è suddiviso in programmabile e non programmabile. Nel 2020, il segmento non programmabile rappresentava una quota di mercato maggiore.


Mercato Europa, Asia Pacifico e alimentazione militare statunitense, per Tipo, 2020 e 2028 (%)


Utilizzo finale- Approfondimenti di mercato basati ;                          ;                          ;       

In base all\'uso finale, il mercato dell\'energia militare in Europa, Asia Pacifico e Stati Uniti è segmentato in aereo, terrestre e idrico. Nel 2020, il segmento fondiario rappresentava la quota di mercato maggiore.

Approfondimenti strategici

< p> Gli attori che operano nel mercato dell\'alimentazione militare in Europa, Asia Pacifico e Stati Uniti adottano strategie come fusioni, acquisizioni e iniziative di mercato per mantenere le loro posizioni nel mercato. Di seguito sono elencati alcuni sviluppi dei principali attori:


  • Nel giugno 2021, Powerbox ha stretto una partnership con Enercon Technologies Europe AG per lo sviluppo di soluzioni di conversione di potenza e l\'offerta soluzioni personalizzate che soddisfano le esigenze dei clienti.
  • Nel marzo 2021, Leonard DRS ha aperto il suo nuovo stabilimento di produzione a Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, dove il suo segmento Naval Power potenzierà i suoi sforzi commerciali a supporto della Marina degli Stati Uniti.

    Il mercato degli alimentatori militari in Europa, Asia Pacifico e Stati Uniti è stato segmentato come indicato di seguito:


    < h3>Per tipo
    • Programmabile
    • Non programmabile


    Per sistema

    • Alimentatore discreto
    • Alimentatore integrato


    Per potenza nominale

    • Da 50 W a 300 W
    • da 301 W a 500 W
    • da 501 W a 1000 W
    • Da 1001 W a 3000 W
    • Sopra


    Per uso finale

    • Antenna
    • Terra
    • Acqua


    • convertitori AC-DC
    • Convertitore DC-DC
    • UPS

      Per area geografica

      • Stati Uniti
      • Europa
        • Francia
        • Germania
        • Italia
        • Regno Unito
        • Spagna
        • Paesi Bassi
        • Resto d\'Europa
      • Asia Pacifico (APAC)
        • Taiwan
        • India
        • Corea del Sud
        • Giappone
        • Australia
        • Resto dell\'APAC


      Profili aziendali

      • Murata Power Solutions
      • Leonardo DRS
      • Multisphere Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
      • Powerbox
      • Powerbox International AB
      • intreXis AG
      • POWERTRONIC Industrielle Leistungselektronik GmbH & Co. KG
      • Vicor Corporation
      • Gresham Power Electronics Limited
      • Denchi Group Ltd

1.           Introduction

1.1         Study Scope

1.2         The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance

1.3         Market Segmentation

2.           Key Takeaways

3.           Research Methodology

3.1         Coverage

3.2         Secondary Research

3.3         Primary Research

4.           Military Power Supply Market Landscape

4.1         Market Overview

4.2         Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

4.3         Ecosystem Analysis

4.4         Premium Insights

4.4.1        Military Expenditure 2018, 2019, 2020 (USD Million)

4.4.2        Certifications in Military Power Supply Market

4.4.3        Regulations in Military Power Supply Market

5.           Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply – Market Dynamics

5.1         Market Drivers

5.1.1        Strong Demand for Better Military Communication Systems

5.1.2        Rise in Requirement for Electronic Warfare Systems

5.2         Market Restraints

5.2.1        High Cost of Deployment

5.3         Market Opportunities

5.3.1        Projected Development of Electric Military Aircraft and Development of All-Electric Naval Ships

5.4         Future Trends

5.4.1        Constantly Rising Demand for Data Protection

5.5         Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints

6.           Military Power Supply Market – Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Market Analysis

6.1         Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market Overview

6.2         Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market Revenue Forecast and Analysis

6.3         Market Positioning – Five Key Players

7.           Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – By Type

7.1         Overview

7.2         Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market, by Type (2020 and 2028)

7.3         Programmable

7.3.1        Overview

7.3.2        Programmable: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

7.4         Non-Programmable

7.4.1        Overview

7.4.2        Non-Programmable: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

8.           Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – By System

8.1         Overview

8.2         Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply, by System (2020 and 2028)

8.3         Discrete Power Supply

8.3.1        Overview

8.3.2        Discrete Power Supply: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

8.4         Integrated Power Supply

8.4.1        Overview

8.4.2        Integrated Power Supply: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

9.           Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – By Power Rating

9.1         Overview

9.2         Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market, by Power Rating (2020 and 2028)

9.3 W to 300 W

9.3.1        Overview

9.3.2 W to 300 W: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

9.4 W to 500 W

9.4.1        Overview

9.4.2 W to 500 W: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

9.5 W to 1000 W

9.5.1        Overview

9.5.2 W to 1000 W: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

9.61 W to 3000 W

9.6.1        Overview

9.6.21 W to 3000 W: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

9.7         Above

9.7.1        Overview

9.7.2        Above: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

10.        Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – By End Use

10.1      Overview

10.2      Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply, by End Use (2020 and 2028)

10.3      Aerial

10.3.1     Overview

10.3.2     Aerial: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

10.4      Land

10.4.1     Overview

10.4.2     Land: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million

10.5      Water

10.5.1     Overview

10.5.2     Water: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

11.        Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – By Offering

11.1      Overview

11.2      Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply, by Offering (2020 and 2028)

11.3      AC-DC Converter

11.3.1     Overview

11.3.2     AC-DC Converter: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

11.4      DC-DC Converter

11.4.1     Overview

11.4.2     DC-DC Converter: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million

11.5      UPS

11.5.1     Overview

11.5.2     UPS: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

12.        Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Regional Analysis

12.1      Overview

12.2      U.S.: Military Power Supply Market

12.2.1    U.S. Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Type

12.2.2    U.S. Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By System

12.2.3    U.S. Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Power Rating

12.2.4    U.S. Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By End Use

12.2.5    U.S. Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Offering

12.3      Europe: Military Power Supply Market

12.3.1     Overview

12.3.2     Europe Military Power Supply Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)

12.3.3     Europe Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Type

12.3.4     Europe Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By System

12.3.5     Europe Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Power Rating

12.3.6     Europe Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By End Use

12.3.7     Europe Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Offering

12.3.8     Europe Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, by Country       Germany Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028       Germany Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Type       Germany Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By System       Germany Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Power Rating       Germany Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By End Use       Germany Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Offering       France Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028       France Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Type       France Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By System       France Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Power Rating       France Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By End Use       France Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Offering       Italy Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028       Italy Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Type       Italy Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By System       Italy Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Power Rating       Italy Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By End Use       Italy Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Offering       Spain Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028       Spain Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Type       Spain Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By System       Spain Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Power Rating       Spain Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By End Use       Spain Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Offering       UK Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028       UK Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Type       UK Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By System       UK Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Power Rating       UK Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By End Use       UK Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Offering       Netherlands Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028       Netherlands Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Type       Netherlands Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By System       Netherlands Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Power Rating       Netherlands Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By End Use       Netherlands Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Offering       Rest of Europe Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028       Rest of Europe Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Type       Rest of Europe Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By System       Rest of Europe Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Power Rating       Rest of Europe Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By End Use       Rest of Europe Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Offering

12.4      APAC: Military Power Supply Market

12.4.1     Overview

12.4.2     APAC Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)

12.4.3     APAC Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Type

12.4.4     APAC Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By System

12.4.5     APAC Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Power Rating

12.4.6     APAC Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By End Use

12.4.7     APAC Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Offering

12.4.8     APAC Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, by Country       Australia Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)       Australia Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Type       Australia Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By System       Australia Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Power Rating       Australia Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By End Use       Australia Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Offering       India Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)       India Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Type       India Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By System       India Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Power Rating       India Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By End Use       India Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Offering       Japan Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)       Japan Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Type       Japan Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By System       Japan Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Power Rating       Japan Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By End Use       Japan Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Offering       South Korea Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)       South Korea Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Type       South Korea Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By System       South Korea Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Power Rating       South Korea Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By End Use       South Korea Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Offering       Taiwan Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)       Taiwan Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Type       Taiwan Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By System       Taiwan Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Power Rating       Taiwan Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By End Use       Taiwan Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Offering       Rest of APAC Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)       Rest of APAC Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Type       Rest of APAC Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By System       Rest of APAC Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Power Rating       Rest of APAC Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By End Use       Rest of APAC Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Offering

13.        Military Power Supply Market - COVID-19 Impact Analysis

13.1      United States: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic

13.2      Europe: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic

13.3      APAC: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic

14.        Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market-Industry Landscape

14.1      Market Initiative

14.2      New Development

15.        Company Profiles

15.1      Murata Power Solutions

15.1.1     Key Facts

15.1.2     Business Description

15.1.3     Products and Services

15.1.4     Financial Overview

15.1.5     SWOT Analysis

15.1.6     Key Developments

15.2      Leonardo DRS

15.2.1     Key Facts

15.2.2     Business Description

15.2.3     Products and Services

15.2.4     Financial Overview

15.2.5     SWOT Analysis

15.2.6     Key Developments

15.3      Multisphere Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

15.3.1     Key Facts

15.3.2     Business Description

15.3.3     Products and Services

15.3.4     Financial Overview

15.3.5     SWOT Analysis

15.3.6     Key Developments

15.4      Powerbox

15.4.1     Key Facts

15.4.2     Business Description

15.4.3     Products and Services

15.4.4     Financial Overview

15.4.5     SWOT Analysis

15.4.6     Key Developments

15.5      Powerbox International AB

15.5.1     Key Facts

15.5.2     Business Description

15.5.3     Products and Services

15.5.4     Financial Overview

15.5.5     SWOT Analysis

15.5.6     Key Developments

15.6      intreXis AG

15.6.1     Key Facts

15.6.2     Business Description

15.6.3     Products and Services

15.6.4     Financial Overview

15.6.5     SWOT Analysis

15.6.6     Key Developments

15.7      POWERTRONIC Industrielle Leistungselektronik GmbH & Co. KG

15.7.1     Key Facts

15.7.2     Business Description

15.7.3     Products and Services

15.7.4     Financial Overview

15.7.5     SWOT Analysis

15.7.6     Key Developments

15.8      Vicor Corporation

15.8.1     Key Facts

15.8.2     Business Description

15.8.3     Products and Services

15.8.4     Financial Overview

15.8.5     SWOT Analysis

15.8.6     Key Developments

15.9      Gresham Power Electronics Limited

15.9.1     Key Facts

15.9.2     Business Description

15.9.3     Products and Services

15.9.4     Financial Overview

15.9.5     SWOT Analysis

15.9.6     Key Developments

15.10   Denchi Group Ltd

15.10.1  Key Facts

15.10.2  Business Description

15.10.3  Products and Services

15.10.4  Financial Overview

15.10.5  SWOT Analysis

15.10.6  Key Developments

16.        Appendix

16.1      About The Insight Partners

16.2      Word Index


Table 1.             Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 2.             U.S. Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Type (US$ million)

Table 3.             U.S. Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By System (US$ million)

Table 4.             U.S. Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Power Rating (US$ million)

Table 5.             U.S. Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By End Use (US$ million)

Table 6.             U.S. Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Offering (US$ million)

Table 7.             Europe Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Type (US$ million)

Table 8.             Europe Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By System (US$ million)

Table 9.             Europe Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Power Rating (US$ million)

Table 10.          Europe Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By End Use (US$ million)

Table 11.          Europe Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Offering (US$ million)

Table 12.          Europe Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Country (US$ million)

Table 13.          Germany Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Type (US$ million)

Table 14.          Germany Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By System (US$ million)

Table 15.          Germany Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Power Rating (US$ million)

Table 16.          Germany Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By End Use (US$ million)

Table 17.          Germany Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Offering (US$ million)

Table 18.          France Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Type (US$ million)

Table 19.          France Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By System (US$ million)

Table 20.          France Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Power Rating (US$ million)

Table 21.          France Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By End Use (US$ million)

Table 22.          France Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Offering (US$ million)

Table 23.          Italy Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Type (US$ million)

Table 24.          Italy Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By System (US$ million)

Table 25.          Italy Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Power Rating (US$ million)

Table 26.          Italy Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By End Use (US$ million)

Table 27.          Italy Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Offering (US$ million)

Table 28.          Spain Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Type (US$ million)

Table 29.          Spain Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By System (US$ million)

Table 30.          Spain Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Power Rating (US$ million)

Table 31.          Spain Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By End Use (US$ million)

Table 32.          Spain Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Offering (US$ million)

Table 33.          UK Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Type (US$ million)

Table 34.          UK Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By System (US$ million)

Table 35.          UK Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Power Rating (US$ million)

Table 36.          UK Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By End Use (US$ million)

Table 37.          UK Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Offering (US$ million)

Table 38.          Netherlands Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Type (US$ million)

Table 39.          Netherlands Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By System (US$ million)

Table 40.          Netherlands Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Power Rating (US$ million)

Table 41.          Netherlands Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By End Use (US$ million)

Table 42.          Netherlands Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Offering (US$ million)

Table 43.          Rest of Europe Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Type (US$ million)

Table 44.          Rest of Europe Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By System (US$ million)

Table 45.          Rest of Europe Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Power Rating (US$ million)

Table 46.          Rest of Europe Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By End Use (US$ million)

Table 47.          Rest of Europe Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Offering (US$ million)

Table 48.          APAC Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Type (US$ million)

Table 49.          APAC Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By System (US$ million)

Table 50.          APAC Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Power Rating (US$ million)

Table 51.          APAC Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By End Use (US$ million)

Table 52.          APAC Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Offering (US$ million)

Table 53.          APAC Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Country (US$ million)

Table 54.          Australia Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Type (US$ million)

Table 55.          Australia Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By System (US$ million)

Table 56.          Australia Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Power Rating (US$ million)

Table 57.          Australia Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By End Use (US$ million)

Table 58.          Australia Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Offering (US$ million)

Table 59.          India Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Type (US$ million)

Table 60.          India Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By System (US$ million)

Table 61.          India Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Power Rating (US$ million)

Table 62.          India Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By End Use (US$ million)

Table 63.          India Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Offering (US$ million)

Table 64.          Japan Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Type (US$ million)

Table 65.          Japan Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By System (US$ million)

Table 66.          Japan Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Power Rating (US$ million)

Table 67.          Japan Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By End Use (US$ million)

Table 68.          Japan Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Offering (US$ million)

Table 69.          South Korea Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Type (US$ million)

Table 70.          South Korea Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By System (US$ million)

Table 71.          South Korea Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Power Rating (US$ million)

Table 72.          South Korea Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By End Use (US$ million)

Table 73.          South Korea Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Offering (US$ million)

Table 74.          Taiwan Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Type (US$ million)

Table 75.          Taiwan Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By System (US$ million)

Table 76.          Taiwan Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Power Rating (US$ million)

Table 77.          Taiwan Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By End Use (US$ million)

Table 78.          Taiwan Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Offering (US$ million)

Table 79.          Rest of APAC Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Type (US$ million)

Table 80.          Rest of APAC Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By System (US$ million)

Table 81.          Rest of APAC Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Power Rating (US$ million)

Table 82.          Rest of APAC Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By End Use (US$ million)

Table 83.          Rest of APAC Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – By Offering (US$ million)

Table 84.          List of Abbreviation




Figure 1.           Military Power Supply Market Segmentation

Figure 2.           Military Power Supply Market Segmentation – By Geography

Figure 3.           Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market Overview

Figure 4.           Military Power Supply Market, by Type

Figure 5.           Military Power Supply Market, by System

Figure 6.           Military Power Supply Market, by Power Rating

Figure 7.           Military Power Supply Market, by End Use

Figure 8.           Military Power Supply Market, by Offering

Figure 9.           Military Power Supply Market, By Geography

Figure 10.        Military Power Supply Market– Porter’s Analysis

Figure 11.        Ecosystem Analysis

Figure 12.        The U.K.’s Tempest Fighter Aircraft

Figure 13.        Military Power Supply Market: Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints

Figure 14.        Geographic Overview of Military Power Supply Market

Figure 15.        Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market Revenue Forecast and Analysis (US$ Million)

Figure 16.        Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market Revenue Share, by Type (2020 and 2028)

Figure 17.        Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Programmable: Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 18.        Non-Programmable: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 19.        Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market Revenue Share, by System (2020 and 2028)

Figure 20.        Discrete Power Supply: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 21.        Integrated Power Supply: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 22.        Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market Revenue Share, by Power Rating (2020 and 2028)

Figure 23. W to 300 W: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 24. W to 500 W: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 25. W to 1000 W: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 26.1 W to 3000 W: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 27.        Above: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 28.        Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market Revenue Share, by End Use (2020 and 2028)

Figure 29.        Aerial: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 30.        Land: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 31.        Water: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 32.        Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market Revenue Share, by Offering (2020 and 2028)

Figure 33.        AC-DC Converter: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 34.        DC-DC Converter: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 35.        UPS: Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 36.        Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, by Region, 2020 & 2028 (%)

Figure 37.        U.S. Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)

Figure 38.        Europe Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)

Figure 39.        Europe Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Type, 2020 & 2028 (%)

Figure 40.        Europe Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By System, 2020 & 2028 (%)

Figure 41.        Europe Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Power Rating, 2020 & 2028 (%)

Figure 42.        Europe Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By End Use, 2020 & 2028 (%)

Figure 43.        Europe Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Offering, 2020 & 2028 (%)

Figure 44.        Europe Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, by Country, 2019 & 2028(%)

Figure 45.        Germany Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)

Figure 46.        France Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)

Figure 47.        Italy Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)

Figure 48.        Spain Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)

Figure 49.        UK Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)

Figure 50.        Netherlands Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)

Figure 51.        Rest of Europe Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)

Figure 52.        APAC Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)

Figure 53.        APAC Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Type, 2020 & 2028 (%)

Figure 54.        APAC Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By System, 2020 & 2028 (%)

Figure 55.        APAC Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Power Rating, 2020 & 2028 (%)

Figure 56.        APAC Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By End Use, 2020 & 2028 (%)

Figure 57.        APAC Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, By Offering, 2020 & 2028 (%)

Figure 58.        APAC Military Power Supply Market Breakdown, by Country, 2020 & 2028 (%)

Figure 59.        Australia Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)

Figure 60.        India Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)

Figure 61.        Japan Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)

Figure 62.        South Korea Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)

Figure 63.        Taiwan Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)

Figure 64.        Rest of APAC Military Power Supply Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ million)

Figure 65.        Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Market in the United States

Figure 66.        Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in Europe Country Markets

Figure 67.        Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in APAC Country Markets


The List of Companies - Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. Military Power Supply Market

  1. Murata Power Solutions
  2. Leonardo DRS
  3. Multisphere Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
  4. Powerbox
  5. Powerbox International AB
  6. intreXis AG
  7. POWERTRONIC Industrielle Leistungselektronik GmbH & Co. KG
  8. Vicor Corporation
  9. Gresham Power Electronics Limited
  10. Denchi Group Ltd
  • Save and reduce time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the growth, size, leading players and segments in the Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. military power supply market.
  • Highlights key business priorities in order to assist companies to realign their business strategies
  • The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the Europe, Asia Pacific, and U.S. military power supply market, thereby allowing players across the value chain to develop effective long-term strategies
  • Develop/modify business expansion plans by using substantial growth offering developed and emerging markets
  • Scrutinize in-depth market trends and outlook coupled with the factors driving the market, as well as those hindering it
  • Enhance the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin commercial interest with respect to client products, segmentation, pricing and distribution


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